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SeaWorld Dolphins hand-biting incident, again!

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For the second time in three weeks a Dolphin has ‘bit’ the hand of a child who was feeding or petting it. If it’s not the same dolphin sounds like there might some dangerous behavior learning going on there. Anybody have the inside scoop?

ABC Fall Predictions

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The Couch Potato blog has been posting a line-up and review of each show for the fall. The ABC Television category is still incomplete, but what he has already is very interesting. He’s already reviewed The Nine and 6 Degrees which are the new ABC shows I’m most excited about. See also CP reviews for… Read More »ABC Fall Predictions

Group shot at Castle, Bats Day in the Fun Park 8, Disneyland, CA

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Group shot at Castle, Bats Day 8, Disneyland, CA, originally uploaded by gruntzooki. Cory Doctorow, author, cyberrights expert, and BoingBoing writer, has moved to Southern California and is now able to enjoy more of Disneyland than ever before. So what better way to spend a Sunday in the park then join up with the cast… Read More »Group shot at Castle, Bats Day in the Fun Park 8, Disneyland, CA

Everybody Needs 2 Draw Mickey Once (Top Ten Lists)

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Eric at Everybody Needs 2 Draw Mickey Once has updated his site with a top ten list and a poll for the best Mickeys. Head on over and add your masterpiece to his gallery. Some images probably NSFW. (I’m kinda partial to this image…ranked #2 in the polls right now)

Invincible Videos and More

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Invincible with Mark Wahlberg opens this Friday in theatres everywhere. The buzz is good for this one. Plus the timing is great with the kick off of College and NFL Football Season right around the corner.    This Interactive Playbook for the movie just arrived in my inbox. In a series of clips from the… Read More »Invincible Videos and More

Muppet Improv

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Looks like The Jim Henson company has been sending their puppeteers to Improve classes to get ready for their upcoming ‘Puppet Up‘ concept show. Kristy from ‘The Curly Fry in the box of Regular’ (a great name for a blog, btw) reports on a preview event from Comic-Con and links to a video of a… Read More »Muppet Improv

High School Musical Stage show. Rehearsals Underway

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The kids at Stagedoor Manor, a premier theatre came in New York, are the lucky first crew ever to stage a production of Disney’s High School Musical. Rehearsals are now underway and Reuters and the New York Times has a look at how it’s going.

Keep an eye open for the new Disney World President, Meg Crofton

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As has become the tradition for incoming resort Presidents, the first few weeks includes a tour of the parks and the occaisional stint on the front lines as a cast member, in costume and everything. So keep an eye open for the new Disney World President Meg Crofton around the parks and resorts. She might… Read More »Keep an eye open for the new Disney World President, Meg Crofton