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Mark Baker

Once Upon a Time 2-18: Selfless, Brave, and True

I’m going to have to do things a bit differently with tonight’s recap. There’s a reveal part way through that I just can’t explain any other way than to slip the flashback in the middle of the recap. It colors too much of what happens in the episode to understand it any other way.

So let’s start in Storybrooke, shall we?Read More »Once Upon a Time 2-18: Selfless, Brave, and True

Castle 5-17: Scared to Death

Among the traditional annual episodes Castle does, one of them is a horror spoof. And every year, Castle thinks whatever they are investigating is real while Beckett looks for the logical explanation. You’d think Castle would get tired of being wrong, and I’d get tired of the same jokes. And yet, I found myself laughing at the episode all over again last night.

The episode starts with a freaked out woman. She calls 911 and says she is in danger. “It” is coming for her. And sure enough, while she is on the phone, the power goes out at her place and she dies.Read More »Castle 5-17: Scared to Death

Once Upon a Time 2-17: Welcome to Storybrooke

Welcome to Storybrooke. It sounds like some kind of recap episode. But it was tonight’s all new episode of Once Upon a Time. And it actually made sense when you figured out what was happening.

For once, we never left Storybrooke. We still had a flashback, but it took place in 1983, when the town was created.Read More »Once Upon a Time 2-17: Welcome to Storybrooke

Once Upon a Time 2-16: The Miller’s Daughter

Based on the previews for last night’s episode, I was expecting something cataclysmic. Now I won’t say the episode last night wasn’t big and that it won’t have major consequences down the road. But it just wasn’t what I expected.

And I’m okay with that.Read More »Once Upon a Time 2-16: The Miller’s Daughter

Castle 5-16: Hunt

Last week, I said that the February two parters often become more about some big adventure than they do a traditional mystery. While I was right – the mystery took a back seat – I felt like the story held together pretty well overall. There were no glaring plot holes, anyway. And it was certainly a fun ride.

I’m jumping right into part two here. If you need a refresher on part one, head over to last week’s recap first.

The episode picks up exactly where the last one left off – Alexis is being dragged off the roof of the building in Paris where she and Sarah were being held. We see three men were up there dragging her off, too.

And then we’re back in New York. The FBI agent is talking about the diplomatic hoops they have to jump through to continue the search for Alexis and Sarah. He also says they’ve narrowed the phone call down to the entire city limits of Paris. That’s a big help. Castle is very frustrated about how long it is going to take when Sarah’s parents get a ransom call. Her parents insist they will get back both Sarah and Alexis, and the kidnappers agree. They set a drop in Paris. Fortunately, Sarah has relatives there and the drop is in a location where we can tap into some cameras to see what is happening.

The man shows up to make the drop. Another car shows up, and men jump out with guns, forcing him to his knees. They take the money and run. He gets up, runs off camera for a few seconds and then runs back on camera with Sarah.

And only Sarah.

I mean seriously, didn’t the characters realize they hadn’t even reached the opening commercial break yet? Did they think they’d get Alexis back so early?Read More »Castle 5-16: Hunt

Castle 5-15: Target

Every year, Castle has a two parter during February sweeps. (This should not been a shock since I have mentioned it every week for a couple months now. And the first season doesn’t count because they didn’t start until March.) These episodes are always big, involve a major guest star, and leave you with a cliffhanger. They’re usually on the more serious side of things, but this year’s is the most dramatic they’ve had to date. Why? Because the case gets very personal for Castle and by extension the rest of the characters.

It starts out simple enough. Castle is having a conversation with his mom about how much they both miss having Alexis around when he’s called to the scene of another murder. He’s doing his usual freak out thing with Beckett where he tries to be the cool dad but really wants to lock Alexis up to keep her safe and his little girl.Read More »Castle 5-15: Target

Once Upon a Time 2-14: Manhatten

I read a lot of mysteries, yet I rarely figure out the ending before the killer is revealed. When I do, I either feel upset because it was so obvious or I feel pleased with myself for picking up on the clues. The second option was how I felt tonight while watching Once Upon a Time. Two of the things I’ve been saying all season were proved right. Okay, so I back tracked on one of them, but I did change my mind again the next week.

But let’s start with the flashback to Enchanted Forest. It surrounds Rumplestiltskin and his past in the Ogre Wars.Read More »Once Upon a Time 2-14: Manhatten