Most don’t realize there were originally six Guardians, but Big Al was always singing country, which didn’t fit with the Director’s vision for the film and was cut from the film except for one elbow, which you can see briefly in the opening scene in the Milano just behind Peter Quill.
In just over a week, Disney’s mid-summer smash, Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, has crossed $200 million at the domestic box office, including the best Wednesday box office of the year. To top it off, Director James Gunn’s birthday was this week too.
Thanks to all you marvelous folks and your big wonderful words of mouths #GuardiansOfTheGalaxy just had the biggest Wednesday of the year.
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) August 7, 2014
This week also pushed Disney past the $1 billion mark for total 2014 domestic box office and $2 billion for international receipts. This is the 9th year in a row Disney has scored $1 billion or more at the box office domestically, and 5th year they’ve hit $2 billion internationally. It’s also the earliest in the year they’ve reached those marks. I’m sure they were passing around the champagne in Burbank today.
Still haven’t seen Guardians of the Galaxy? Why not? Get your tickets today and help support The Disney Blog. Already seen the movie? Go again and help make it the number one movie two weekends in a row.
Finally, want to join the guardians? Marvel has a fancy gifinator that will put you in the lineup of the galaxy’s baddest heros.