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Extreme Makeover: Home Edition – Behind the Scenes

Tonight promises to be another extra-special episode of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Yeah, they’re all extra-special, but that’s one of the great parts of the show. Fans of Ty Pennington and the crew will find this article in the NY Times good reading. It goes behind the scenes of this Sunday’s episode and reveals a few details that even die-hard fans of the show probably don’t know.

Part of the article goes into how being on the show has changed the fortune of families who have been on the show. Most are success stories, but a few do drop through the cracks. The Orlando Sentinel writes about Sadie Holmes who has some code violations that have set her and her organization back to the point where she might lose her house.

I’m hopeful Holmes will find a donor to come in and help her out. But not too many donors want to invest in a sinking ship.

1 thought on “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition – Behind the Scenes”

  1. I’ve been dying to find out some of the issues not revealed, such as: How long does a project normally take? Consider that plans need to be drawn up, building permits must be applied for and approved, arrangements need to be made to coordinate ordering and delivery of supplies and furniture.

    By the way, how long does it normally take to for all cement work? Forms must be made, concrete poured, smoothed and cure.

    Me thinks there must be much much more to a project than what is represented. I just don’t see any way that everything can be accomplished in just one week!

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