Nick Pitera is a computer animation student who could also make a good living looping both the male and female vocals for Disney music videos.
Nick Pitera is a computer animation student who could also make a good living looping both the male and female vocals for Disney music videos.
I’m totally underwhelmed by this; his pitch is poor, and you can tell that without a mike, he has poor support. And the female voice…that’s falsetto, and not really anything spectacular. Actually, this seems somewhat creepy.
I’m going to refrain from quoting any American Idol judges, which means I won’t allow myself to use the words “pitchy” or “dreadful.” Or “dawg”…
I’m actually not that impressed, though. He’s alright with the male voice, but I actually laughed out loud when he started the woman’s part.
He’d have been better off singing the whole thing as himself.
Yeah, super creepy. I had to stop watching once the female voice came in.
This vid is getting a lot of attention lately. Not sure why. It’s more odd than anything. Who is impressed by this? Is he actually in a recording studio? Allah forbid!
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