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Disneyland and Walt Disney World to furlough most non-essential workers

Disneyland and Walt Disney World will reportedly furlough their non-essential workers after April 18th which is currently the last day hourly employees are scheduled to be paid during the closure related to are national health emergency. The decision was revealed in an email that went… Read More »Disneyland and Walt Disney World to furlough most non-essential workers

What happens to construction at Walt Disney World and Disneyland?

The national health emergency continues and there is major uncertainty as to when it might end. Disneyland and Walt Disney World are closed with no official reopening date announced despite them taking reservations for June 1 or later. When they do open for guests again,… Read More »What happens to construction at Walt Disney World and Disneyland?

Walt Disney World no longer accepting reservations before June 1

Yesterday, we learned that Walt Disney World would stay closed until further notice amid the unprecedented global health emergency. A new update to their main website indicates that Disney World now plans to remain closed until at least June 1, 2020 although they reserve the… Read More »Walt Disney World no longer accepting reservations before June 1