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the milano

Guardians of the Galaxy Behind the Scenes: Inside Star Lord’s spaceship – the Milano


Like in Star Wars, it might be claimed that the real star of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy are its space ships. The Milano is to Peter Quill as the Millennium Falcon is to Han Solo. It’s his trusty steed and contains precious cargo.

It is versatile enough to operate in a dog fight, yet large enough to carry the team into danger. Director James Gunn wanted it to have a “muscle car” feel. I love its retro-vibe

Yeah, so that owes a lot to MTV’s Cribs. Here’s a little bit of trivia. Director James Gunn confirmed, via twitter, that the ship is called the Milano after Alyssa Milano, Peter Quill’s childhood crush. That’s just another awesome detail that makes this movie fantastic!

Of the Milano, Gunn had this to say on his Facebook page:

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