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Lindsay Lohan Blog XI: Blasphemous Rumors

I have read a rumor that Miss Lindsay will be appearing in Mission Impossible: III with Sir Cruise. We do know she is filming Prairie Home Companion when taking breaks from celebrating her birthday. Finally, her Dad blames himself for her weightloss. But her fans don’t care and just want to Feed Lindsay. Maybe there… Read More »Lindsay Lohan Blog XI: Blasphemous Rumors

Lindsay Lohan Blog X:”Kisses everyone” at Herbie Premiere

What’s Lindsay Lohan doing these days? Now that she’s declared her own Cooney-esque war on the aggressive papparatzi, now that she’s shed way too many pounds off her previously pleasantly shaped body, what comes next? How about the world premiere of Herbie: Fully Loaded. Kaci Christian steps in this week to do the red carpet… Read More »Lindsay Lohan Blog X:”Kisses everyone” at Herbie Premiere

Herbie: Fully Loaded

The movie premiere looked like fun. No celebrities were sprayed in the face with water. And reviews are trickling in. Will Lindsay Lohan and Herbie, the lovable bug himself, be able to pull in viewers during this downward trend at the box office? Maybe NASCAR Nation will turn out to see their favorite drivers on… Read More »Herbie: Fully Loaded

Lindsay Lohan Blog IX: Mom Predicts Big Things for Lindsay

As for the very late nights, her mom, Dina, isn’t worried. Five years from now, she predicts, Lindsay "will get the kinds of roles that Julia Roberts and Gwyneth Paltrow got so that she can get that Academy Award. … People will forget what Lindsay did in this period of her life." Lindsay Lohan’s mom… Read More »Lindsay Lohan Blog IX: Mom Predicts Big Things for Lindsay

Swiss Family Director

Disney’s record on remakes is hit and miss. That Darn Cat, (miss — except for the performance of Christina Ricci); Parent Trap with Lindsay Lohan (hit); Freaky Friday (miss and hit depending on what version you’re watching); Herbie (it remains to be seen). So it is with equal parts dread and anticipation that I am… Read More »Swiss Family Director

Lindsay Lohan Blog IX

Lindsay Lohan, star of the upcoming Disney film Herbie: reloaded, has been sued for injuries and damages caused during an auto accident in 2004. That’s the problem with deep pockets, someone is always trying to get into them.

Lindsay Lohan Blog – VIII

Disney hot property, Lindsay Lohan, may have been tired, but you should expect as much from the teenage vixen. She’s working on a movie, broke up with her boyfriend, and recorded an album. I haven’t heard it yet, but I have liked her song from Princess Diaries II. The album will be released next week,… Read More »Lindsay Lohan Blog – VIII

Lindsay Lohan Blog – VII

"I was overtired and working myself to death," Lohan, 18, tells Jane magazine. "When you’re young, you think you can just keep going and going." Lohan opens up to E entertainment. It’s tough being a drama queen sometimes.