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Disneyland Sketches

Geoff Carter of Your Souvenir Guide pointed out this beautiful sketch above from his friend Sean Jones. He’s posting some sketches of Disneyland on facebook in anticipation of a family vacation he’ll soon be taking. I can’t wait to see more.

Steve Martin plays a mean Banjo

Disneyland Castmember Alum Steve Martin also plays a mean banjo. (You may have seen him in a few other things too.) So it would be remiss of me to let this great story in the NY Times go by without at least a mention. “It’s… Read More »Steve Martin plays a mean Banjo

Disney’s next generation theme park entertainment, already here?

The BBC has a great story examining how two of the most recent attractions to open at Walt Disney World point the way toward future development from Walt Disney Imagineering. Disney sees current and future generations of youth who are already so inter-mediated with video games, texting, MP3s, video downloads, and 3-D movies (sometimes all at the same time) that they’re afraid standard attractions just won’t be enough to inspire repeat visits down the line.

“The emerging generation expects more immersive, personal and interactive experiences in every facet of their lives,” says Bruce Vaughn, chief creative executive of Walt Disney Imagineering.

The two attractions the article looks at are Toy Story Midway Mania and Kim Possible. TSMM takes the ‘video game’ experience and brings it into the parks in a very Disney way. While Kim Possible is one of the first examples of how Disney can build an attraction using overlay technology. No need to expand the footprint of the park, just intertwine the experience with what is already there.

Sure, WDI can continue to pump out the heart pumping thrill rides like Expedition Everest or new entertainment environments like The American Idol Experience, but really, so can anyone these days (usually with the help of laid off Imagineers). What will set Disney themed environments apart in the future are overlays (or an even more exciting technology called Total Immersion, but that’s coming well down the line).

Just about exactly 8 years ago, I wrote a short story for (unfortunately, the second page of it appears to have gone missing, so I rescued it from the Internet Archive Wayback machine (woo hoo) and have included it in full below the cut) forecasting where this overlay technology might be heading in the future. If it seems familiar, that probably means you’ve used a Pal Mickey before. It also gives you an idea of how long these ideas percolate in Imagineering before making it into the parks. Additionally, I’m almost finished with a novel by Vernor Vinge called “Rainbows End” which takes this overlay concept to the umpteenth level and extends it worldwide via a combination of future social networking and an economy based on themed design and role play.

I think it’s important to remember that it all comes back to quality story telling with the type of rich detail that Disney knows how to intertwine with entertainment. If Disney keeps their eye on that, the technology is just another color on their canvas.

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Will Obama’s win return Lincoln to Disneyland’s Opera House


Those who have been paying attention, and there are a lot of us, know the “Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln” attraction has been missing in action since the Opera House closed down to retool for Disneyland’s 50th Anniversary. It was supposed to be ‘temporary’, but it’s been four years and counting since this tragedy was perpetrated on this very special attraction. And it’s time that we fans demand President Lincoln’s return to the scene.

The good news is that the suits at Disneyland might even listen to us. Not because our power as fans has suddenly changed, but because change has come to the power that runs our country. President Obama has expressed his admiration for Abraham Lincoln countless times in his speeches and writings. He used the Lincoln Bible during his swearing in ceremony just a few days ago. Additionally, Steven Speilberg is working on an Abe Lincoln movie with Liam Neeson in the title role. Disneyland might be looking to capitalize on this renewed focus on Lincoln.

It sounds like plans are in progress to do some work at the Opera House and finally remove the 50th Anniversary exhibits. Included in those plans will be a relocation of the ‘Disney Gallery’ store from the exit area of the Opera House into a newly expanded ‘Bank of Main Street’. That certainly makes some sense, since you need a bank loan to pay for some of those collectibles. But I will miss the authentic feel of having a bank right in Town Square.

Finally, 2009 marks the 200th Anniversary of Lincoln’s birth. If fans of the attraction wrote Disneyland saying they’re looking forward to a return of the nation’s 16th President to the Opera House and are planning on making a visit once that has happened, it might spur them into some faster action. Click below the cut for the address to send your letters and please remember that civil letters that let them know they’ll get more of your money if Lincoln is brought back work better than angry missives.

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