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Ya shoulda bought in August.

Home Media Retailing reports that Disney’s video and DVD distribution arm Buena Vista Video has decided to end their experiment with Disposable DVDs, known as EZ-D. I’m not shocked at this. The pricing was always unreasonable as was the delivery method. The world of DVRs and Netflix has made picking up DVDs (regular or self-destructing)… Read More »Ya shoulda bought in August.

Some competition for me?

Looks like I may have a little competition in the weblog universe, this time from the Mouse himself. Webpronews announces a seminar from Disney on their future plans to use RSS and blogging. Slides from the presentation are already online in this PDF.

Trains and fun in LA

Over on the Make weblog they pay a visit to the Live Steamers a group of small train hobbiests in Los Angeles. This is the same location (but you have to use a different entrance gate) to visit Walt Disney’s famous barn. See also the Carolwood Society for much more info.

Happy Party Gras!!!

A quick trip down Memory Lane in honor of Mardi Gras. The year was 1990, the occasion was Disneyland’s 35th Anniversary. A event which I missed due to my being a poor college student at the time. The parade was Party Gras! This parade is often ranked as the best Disneyland parade ever. It featured… Read More »Happy Party Gras!!!

Stitch Tattoo

One of Disney’s more popular animated features also generated Disney’s a character with an cult like following. That would be Stitch, the blue alien dog creature, from Lilo & Stitch. Too the left is a pic of a tattoo where Stitch is breaking through the skin on the back of someone’s neck. Here’s one of… Read More »Stitch Tattoo

Reflections on Disney World

Getting off of one ride at Animal Kingdom I was approached by a worker who calmly asked me if I would mind turning my shirt inside out, confusing the hell out me. I was wearing a lounge shirt over a standard T, but she informed me that it may be inappropriate in a family park.… Read More »Reflections on Disney World

Lindsay Lohan Blog IX

Lindsay Lohan, star of the upcoming Disney film Herbie: reloaded, has been sued for injuries and damages caused during an auto accident in 2004. That’s the problem with deep pockets, someone is always trying to get into them.