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More Animal Kingdom Pics

MKT has been kind enough to upload some more pictures of the damage Hurricane Charley did to the landscaping at Animal Kingdom. Mind you, this is after two days of cleanup. Also included are some photos of the construction of the next big attraction for Disney’s Animal Kingdom – Mt Everest Expedition (a thrilling roller… Read More »More Animal Kingdom Pics

Speaking of Micro Charities

Speaking of Micro-Charities, I hope you all are watching the best feel good TV show of the year — Disney’s Extreme Home Makever. The selection process ensures that the money and donations is going to a family that is truely in need. And the result is always a tearful happy joyful ending and a new… Read More »Speaking of Micro Charities

Hurricane Blogging III

More people are back from their Disney World vacation and posting storm stories. Melanie was staying at the Yacht Club and took some nice photos. Kat at My Single Mom Life is organizing a response from the Florida Blogosphere. She has teamed up with Strengthen the Good, a group aimed at supporting micro charities around… Read More »Hurricane Blogging III

The Mother of all Alice Sites

If you’re an Alice in Wonderland fan then you need to visit this amazing website and its collection of resources put together thoughtfully by Lauren. There’s even a page where she has ‘adopted’ Alice themed avatars and internet dolls from all over. Some are really quite creative.

The Mouse House Aids Recovery Efforts

Walt Disney World Announces Relief Efforts for Central Florida Families and Cast Members Impacted by Hurricane Charley. The following relief is being offered to the community: * DisneyHand, worldwide outreach for The Walt Disney Company, has announced a contribution totaling $100,000 to the American Red Cross and the Heart of Florida United Way. * Walt… Read More »The Mouse House Aids Recovery Efforts

Hurricane Blogging II

Ed’s The Weather Blog has been doing yoeman’s duty in tracking the progress of Hurricane Charley and its aftermath. He also points to a couple other Hurricane Bloggers where he graciously includes this humble blog.

A Safe Harbor for Sea Mammals

Here’s one of the unique stories to come from all the coverage of Hurricane Charley. Even Dolphins and Manatees have to be evacuated from the storms path. In this case some were sent to Epcot and Seaworld. (via)

DIS Hurricane Bounce?

The Walt Disney company added nearly 4% to its stock value today as the markets were happy to see almost no downtime for the themeparks. I’ve heard about the Home Depot Hurricane Bounce, but never a Disney one.