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Fascinating tale of Charley

The ABC weatherman said the storm would hit WDW with full force at 8:16 pm. 8:10 pm: The storm hit us with full force. The ABC guy was only off by 6 minutes! Yet another fascinating tale of living through the wrath of Hurricane Charley. This time from one of’s WDW experts. [After Charley]… Read More »Fascinating tale of Charley

Open Thread

I’ve got 4 Gmail Invites to give away. Post your favorite Disney Themepark and explain why in the comments below and I’ll send out Gmail invites to the best. (Best being purely subjective with me as the final and sole judge, of course.)

Water Water Everywhere

WDWMagic reports that Disney World’s Electrical Water Pageant is back up and running after repairs were made to the floats damaged by Hurricane Charley. The water parade was not scheduled to be up and running until the end of August, so it looks like repairs were completed quicker than the original estimates. Good for Disney.

Disney CG Animator Q&A

Cg-Char has a discussion board based interview with Doug Bennett where the board members get to ask the questions. Doug is currently a Supervising Animator at Disney Feature Animation on Chicken Little, the first totally CG animated film from Disney. His previous work includes Disney’s Treasure Planet, Fantasia2000, and the Care Bears animated TV show.… Read More »Disney CG Animator Q&A

Lindsay Lohan Blog V – The Store

You know you’ve made it big as a Disney star when they start to really merchandise you. If you have a teenybopper or preteen then I’m sure you already know about all this stuff. But if you don’t, then here’s a primer.

The Incredibles Blog

Make way for The Incredibles, the next animated feature from Pixar. The buzz is building to a frenzied pace and the pic isn’t even opening until November 5th. The Orlando Sentinel piles on with a story about the buzz and the films skew toward adult topics.

Disneyland Ghost tour?

Want to explore your morbid curiousity this fall? Then this rumored tour of Disneyland and California Adventure is for you. As reported on During the tour guests will “learn about” various “Ghost” stories and lore (entertainment purposes only) about some of the more “out of the way” places in Disneyland and California Adventure (even… Read More »Disneyland Ghost tour?

Tea time? Yes, I’ll have a spot.

I’ll bet you can’t guess the largest and fastest growing segment of sales for the Walt Disney Company. Yes, it’s the pre-teens and tweens and their passion for Disney Princess regalia. So Disney’s latest release ‘ The Princess Diaries 2 ‘ fits right in with that demographic. Sue Kruse reports on a special program at… Read More »Tea time? Yes, I’ll have a spot.