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Marshal Knight

Marshal Knight is a Disney lover, entertainment junkie, (impromptu) Country music singer and Root Beer connoisseur who really misses "Bunheads". He is very active on multiple social media sites, including twitter as @Marshal_Knight ( and Instagram as @MarshalKnight (

ABC Family has a hot summer line-up…but what about Bunheads?!

UPDATE: Bunheads has received a very coveted 25% tax break from the State of California for a possible Season 2. This is a good sign for an announcement of a new season, but ABC Family has still said they are going to wait to see how their summer programs do.

ABC Family

ABC Family, now known for its teen and twenty-something programming that takes over social media nightly, is trying to mix it up…to a degree. This summer sees the channel bringing back some crazy big hits, some modest successes, and some new shows trying to mix up the formula we are used to.

Of course, Pretty Little Liars is returning for its summer season, so expect a LOT of tweeting. The show has taken over TV, Social Media and my high school, so look for some huge ratings to come from its premiere June 11th at 8pm. Right after is the premiere of Twisted, a new mystery drama about a guy who reconnects with his two best friends from his youth and the lead suspect of a murder at the same time. 


Wednesday nights are dedicated to comedy, with Baby Daddy returning for a second season and Melissa and Joey returning for a third and it has already been green lit for a 4th. The exciting thing about the 4th season of Melissa and Joey is that the show will be the first ever to reach 100 episodes on the network, which is key for future syndication. Catch Melissa and Joey at 8, Baby Daddy at 830. At 9 is the new show Dancing Fools, a hybrid of So You Think You Can Dance and America’s Funniest Home Videos. I expect a quick cancellation because It. Was. BAD!Read More »ABC Family has a hot summer line-up…but what about Bunheads?!

Thoughts on ABC Upfronts, How the Fall Season is Shaping Up


Well hey howdy hey everyone! I have recently been a stranger around these parts, but now that my AP exams are done, I am ready to get back into the swing of things! So expect an announcement for the next Live Tweet soon, but right now, we are in the midst of new TV shows being announced, and ABC has put together a very interesting line-up for the 2013-14 season! I just wanted to give my thoughts on what I am looking forward to for the new season and reminiscing on this past one. Let’s get started!

  • Scandal…WHAT THE WHAT?! The show has been known to push the boundaries of crazy (in the best way possible), but that cliffhanger was a doozy. The show did just what us loyal Gladiators want, amazing tension, fantastic characters, and plot points that are so crazy, they make you rewind on the DVR. What were your thoughts on the finale…cause it was BONKERS!
  • First season of Revenge was superb, crazy dramatics mixed in with some Emily Thorne badassery and Victoria Grayson awfulness made the show a guilty pleasure that was more pleasure then guilt. Then the 2nd season came and it made a small nosedive. The Initiative?! HUH!? I dropped the show right around January, not only because of school work (the reason I dropped Nashville, though I intend to catch up this summer!), but because the show skewed TOO cuckoo for me. I have heard the season finale was fantastic, so let me know your thoughts, but I’m not sure if I should catch up or leave it dead in the water, like an Amanda Clarke imposter. (HEY-OOO!)
  • Once Upon A Time…In Wonderland is a very enticing pilot from the writers of Once Upon A Time (I know…SHOCKER) that takes a semi-dark look at the story of Alice, this time with her being convinced it is a vision as she is put through the ringer to get it abolished via an insane asylum’s tactics. The spin on the story and the actors/effects look great, but I am hesitant only because it is a OUAT spin-off. I dropped the show at the beginning of season 2 due to its flip-flopping nature of 1 great episode, then 2 awful and boring ones, continuing the cycle throughout the season. I will still give the show a try, but I won’t be sticking around long if it has the OUAT curse.Read More »Thoughts on ABC Upfronts, How the Fall Season is Shaping Up

Videopolis- An Incredible Animal Kingdom Medley

If you can recall, I introduced you to Dan Gooding’s Disney Park medleys a few Videopolis’ ago. Well, his newest was just released… and just in time for Animal Kingdom’s 15th Anniversary. I can’t stop smiling while watching and listening. This is a MUST-WATCH!

DAK History Lesson: Grandmother Willow knows what you did last summer…

Welcome back for another Animal Kingdom History Lesson! We are counting down until April 22nd, the 15th Anniversary of Animal Kingdom! This time we will be discussing everyone’s favorite painter (using the Colors of the Wind of course!), “Pocahontas and Her Forest Friends”! Opening with… Read More »DAK History Lesson: Grandmother Willow knows what you did last summer…

Videopolis – Incredible Disney Parks’ Medleys!

I found Dan Gooding’s YouTube channel about a year ago, but he keeps churning out these incredible Disney Theme Park medleys. Recently, he put together a two-part Epcot medley to celebrate the 30th anniversary (One part for Future World and one part for World Showcase).… Read More »Videopolis – Incredible Disney Parks’ Medleys!