For the first time, “Christmas with Walt Disney” is now exclusively available for streaming on Disney+. This film, released in 2009 and crafted by renowned Disney producer Don Hahn, showcases a blend of Disney family home movies and festive segments from Walt’s animated shorts and feature films.
It offers a glimpse into Walt Disney’s life as a husband, father, futurist, and filmmaker, with a special focus on one of his favorite times of the year: the Christmas holidays.
Narrated by Walt’s daughter, Diane Disney Miller, the documentary weaves together her personal Christmas recollections, archival Disney family footage, classic segments from Disney films, and historical footage of Disneyland.
About the movie:
“Christmas with Walt Disney” is a 51-minute documentary commissioned by the Walt Disney Family Museum. Directed and produced by Don Hahn, it has been a seasonal feature at The Walt Disney Family Museum in The Presidio of San Francisco since its debut.
We love Christmas and so did Walt. In 1950, his first foray into Television production was the NBC special “One Hour in Wonderland.” In 1955, Disneyland’s opening year, the park was transformed for Christmas. The season featured performances by choirs and carolers in the “Christmas Bowl” at the Main Street Bandstand. By 1960 the park was hosting the Candlelight Processional with a 300 member choir in Town Square complete with a living Christmas tree.
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