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Celebrate the year that was at Walt Disney World with the unofficial 2015 ‘Earbook

earbook-2015-coverThere’s a Disney book I look forward to adding to my collection each year. It’s the unofficial Walt Disney World ‘Earbook from author Kevin Yee. The book uses colorful pictures and descriptive text to chronicle what’s new and memorialize what’s gone at Walt Disney World’s world class theme parks.

“I love thinking of Disney World as a place that changes so rapidly, we need an annual accounting of what has been added, and what we’ve lost.” said author Kevin Yee. “Until I started this project, I wasn’t aware of how much change there is in a 52-week period, but it’s immense and boggles the mind.”

Yee continues, “I hope that readers come away with an appreciation for the sheer volume of changes we see at Walt Disney World each year, but also a love for the Disney product as deep as my own. Part of the reason we grasp so desperately at Disney themes and characters is that we identify with them, and we don’t want to ever let them go. Having a “yearbook” which lets us do that is, I hope, a valuable public service.”


As I’ve discovered, ‘Earbooks are fun to thumb through at anytime, but the real value comes from the nostalgia of looking back at what was there 3, 4, or 5 years ago and seeing how it looks now. The ‘Earbook makes that possible for Walt Disney World. The good news is taht Yee has been writing ‘Earbooks covering Walt Disney World chances since 2010. They’re all still in print, so you can find them on Amazon and can fill in any holes in your collection.

Pick up your Unofficial Walt Disney World 2015 ‘Earbook today on Amazon. Your purchase via that link will help The Disney Blog. Thank you.

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