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What it takes to be a Disney Ambassador at the Disneyland Resort


It’s a Disneyland tradition that dates back 50 years, the Disney Ambassador position was created to help Walt Disney help promote the park, escort VIPs, and to act as an official representative for the resort. Today’s ambassadors, Allie Kawamoto and Jessica Bernard recently sat down to discuss what it’s like to be an Ambassador of the Disneyland Resort as part of the “Every Role a Starring Role” video series:

The first Ambassador was Julie Reihm. She was one of five finalists for the role that was created as part of the park’s 10th anniversary and was hand picked by Walt Disney as the final candidate.

“Working with Walt was a super learning experience,” said Reihm. “His creative genius often came with a boy-like excitement of discovery.”

Have you ever dreamed of being a Disney Ambassador? What would the highlight of your application essay?