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Postcards from the Disney Edge

Disney Lies is a fan site I’ve kept my eye on over the years because of its fun concept. It’s almost all 100% malarkey. Figuring out what, if any, of it is true, is part of the fun.

Dominick, who runs the site, has started a new series featuring text from the back of Disney postcards (probably acquired at garage sales or via ebay) along with his commentary on what is said. He’s graciously shared one of his postcards and commentary with us here at The Disney Blog.


Dear Tinky —

This park is really great — done with such finesse and perfection it’s unbelievable — weather warm & sunny — food is very Mexican — buildings are attractive but won’t last long — no scenery here at all — going to L.A. Tuesday, so may get to see some water and mountains — all are well & tired!

Love Jan

Shoddy buildings? No scenery? Was Jan writing her postcard in the Disneyland parking lot and basing her comments on what she could see out the window of her car? And how would that explain the “Mexican” food comment? Postcards like these create more questions than they answer, but the thing has no return address so the odds of us being able to clarify any of it are small — not that we aren’t going to try. If your name is Tinky and you knew someone named Jan 37 years ago who wrote semi-cryptic postcards, drop us a note!

Head over to Disney Lies and workout your funny bone at the same time. You won’t regret it.