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#SavePUSH – Tell Disney to keep Push the Talking Trashcan

Update: Disney tells the Orlando Sentinel that Push The Talking Trashcan isn’t going anywhere… my read of that… the fans have been heard and Disney decided to keep Push. Good job everyone. But just in case, keep the #savePUSH campaign going strong until we see Push out in the park next week.


Note: Updated with stats on use of #SavePush on Twitter after 7 hours of the campaign being live.

Magical Moments come in all shapes and sizes at Walt Disney World and often when you least expect it. That is part of the charm of Push The Talking Trashcan. Unsuspecting guests approach to toss some trash and are enchanted when the trash can asks for a hug instead. These are the details that literally make Disney Disney.

So it was very sad news when I heard that Push was possibly on the chopping block. Whether the rumor is true or not, now is a great time to let Walt Disney World know that you love Push.

I decided to take action myself and put this Tweet out:

In addition to all the retweets, the hashtag #SavePUSH has been used over 900 times on Twitter since the initial tweet at 11:30AM ET. Pretty amazing for just 7 hours. But I doubt that will be enough to tip the balance in Push’s favor. (Now 1,500 mentions of #savePUSH in 12 hours!)

Please take a moment to message @WaltDisneyWorld on Twitter or Facebook with the hashtag #SavePUSH. Never has a talking trashcan brought so much joy to so many as Push. Let’s make sure Disney knows it’s appreciated.

(Photo via anthonut on Flickr)

8 thoughts on “#SavePUSH – Tell Disney to keep Push the Talking Trashcan”

  1. I’d never even heard of Push, but it reminds me of another bunch of trash cans I miss… when I was a kid and we stayed at Fort Wilderness, instead of metal cans the trash cans were designed to look like tree stumps… those little details make things so immersive.

    1. He’s always out before the 3(please correct me if i’m wrong) o’clock parade!! he’s often near tomorrowland!

  2. Please tell me that the rumors of you giving PUSH his”Pink Slip” are NOT TRUE ! In this age of everything electronic, the children need some good old fashioned basic childhood simple learning. PUSH is SIMPLE and FUN LEARNING for the children.

  3. Push is gone now They lied for what ever reasons and walked Push out the door today after 3pm . Unless something changes. Please save push

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