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Disney Memes

Every year or so an anonymous cast member takes it upon themselves to share the funny, frustrating, and otherwise random bizarre moments that contribute to their experience while working for the Mouse. These instances, when viewed separate from the whole of the regular cast member work load make it seem like the cast member is grumbling or has lost touch with the magic. Most of the time, I don’t think that’s the case, the moments that become internet memes are the minority of the day, but remarkable for their frequent re-occurrence. Choosing to point them out is just a way to let off some good natured steam.

So keep that in mind as you go check out these two funny tumblr sites. One captures look at how guests experience the magic of Disney and the other from the cast member perspective. They posts themselves are all PG13, but I can’t claim to have looked at all the comments, so just be aware.

3 thoughts on “Disney Memes”

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  3. Pingback: Amanda Pham

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