ABC is preparing to return to the world of ‘V’ a mini-series and then television series that focused on what like would be like if aliens came to earth. Whereas the the original ‘V’ was an allegory for authoritarian power like Nazism, this version is expected to be more reflective of current politics like Battlestar Galactica’s reincarnation.
While ABC is looking toward the future with one eye, the other is looking nervously at this seasons ratings for Pushing Daisies and Dirty Sexy Money. They’re both down. Pushing Daisies is doing stronger than it’s lead in show, so that’s good. But the numbers just aren’t as good.
Part of me wonders if this isn’t related to how the number of entertainment options is growing exponentially on the internet. Hulu, original series, and iTunes have to be eating at least some of the broadcast audience. The show itself probably has the same number of viewers, they’re just choosing to DVR it or watch it online.