The stars are beginning to align for the very real possibility that the premiere for the third installment of Disney’s popular Pirates Of The Caribbean movie series will be held at Disneyland on May 19th. I’ve now had two sources confirm that cast members are being told to prepare for the Pirates movie premier and the Disneyland official calendar now shows a special event happening on the 19th. That’s similar to what happened for the premiere event last year.
That said, there is still no official announcement from Disneyland or the movie studio on the time and place for the premier of P3. So I would urge you not to spend your life savings to be at Disneyland for this, as yet, unconfirmed event. But I did promise I would post something as soon as I knew a bit more. So here it is. Get in line for red carpet photos and autographs with your favorite stars including Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, and Kiera Knightly. Let the Pirate dancing begin.
Also you might want to consider making hotel reservations for a room close to the park for that night. You can usually cancel those with little or no penalty with advanced notice (read your reservation agreement carefully).
YES! i don’t care where or when, i’m so going again this year. i camped out last year and it rocked!!!! woo hoo johnny here i come.. again!!!! =D
how were u able to see the premere cuz i read somewere that u had to be someone or u had to know someone to be able to see it.
Please don’t premiere POTC3 at Cannes! It is hell for us, fans!
I know what I’m talking about, we are treated as milky cows!
I really enjoyed what you have done for the french premiere in Paris last july, I could talk a bit with Johnny, Orlando and Mr Bruckheimer. Thank you for this!
But please, not At the world’s end at Cannes, please!!!!!
peoples i have to meet orlando bloom and keira knightley or i tell u know my heart will give up! I missed last years and i was in total sadness for 3 days and in all honesty if its in cannes i’ll go to cannes!
I live in the north of england so i have one chance and one cahnce only! Raabe and Elodie u r so luck to talk to jd please email me with any info!!!
Hey Raabe, I know you said you camped out at the premier last year. How long did you have to camp out? Did you meet Johnny? Which premier did you go to? Sorry so many questions I am just trying to see what I will need to do to go to the one at Disneyland this year in May.
how can i get tickets to the premier is all i want to know!
what r u people talking about …its going to be in disneyland..!!! right?
plaese let me know…and how to get tickets also..!!
Hey guys. Just to let ya know u cant actually buy a ticket to get into the viewing and after-party thing, but to get onto the red carpet you can buy a regular disney ticket and line up along main street to see Johnny, Orli and Keira.
Im an Aussie and im pretty sure im going.
Betta start booking accom! cyas.
Hey. Any1 wanna fly with me frum Aust 4 the premiere? lol :)
okk, ive already been saving $ and i dont have much so far and i dont even know how much i need. ahha. but i have never been and i want to go soooooooooooo incredibly badly infact id cry if i go to go haha omgg. so i need some help since ive never been of what im looking for and what i should do to get prepared and like $ for it. and do i need tickets to actally go? this is like my life dream.. ive already told my parents isnce like december i wanted to go. thankyou so much email me please [email protected]!
ohhh my god… i’ve been trying really hard to get one of those tickets . i really have to find one . if u can help me i would reallly go crazy. i really don’t know how to be able to find one. i know it is hard but please help mee. :):):)
Well I have hotel room, airline tickets, and a car booked. Now for the biggie. I have been promised tickets to the screening of the movie, WOOOOHOOOOO, here I come Johnny.
hello i have tried to find out how to get tickets for the pirates of the caribbean since they started making the first movie. i have no idea how to get ahold of those tickets. can you please help me out to get some for at worlds end. it would be really appreciated by me and my boyfriend thanks a bunch!!!!! :-)
hopefully it’s on this date and lets hope it can be confirmed soon. I have heard a few people say that disneyland workers have confirmed this, so hopefully its true.
My cousin went last year and said that this is exactly what happened and no to plan until it’s really confirmed cuase you can miss it even by a few days.
yahoo i love pirates! cant wait to go!
It’s pretty much confirmed that the premiere will be at Disneyland. Guests who buy tickets and camp out will get the meet the stars at the red carpet if they’re lucky, but they DO NOT get to see the movie! The screening is only open to invited guests, so unless you win tickets from a radio/tv/web contest, have someone connect you with tickets, or buy them from a charity auction/ plain auction, you won’t see the movie. Trust me, I’ve done enough research to figure that out by now.
i’m so going to the premier- but i’ve never gone before so someone who has tell me what to do b/c i have to see Johnny, Orlando and Keira. So PLEASE give me any info on where to go and everything! Im desperare for information? i HAVE to be there
It would be GREAT if someone knows any information about how to get tickets to the premier, and could let me know asap!! I would greatly appreciate it! thanks so much :D
Ello me hearties …..J.D lovers
can you please let me no if theres a potc3 premiere in london this year
Please add me at [email protected]
best wishes
Hey! Can anyone on here give me ANY info. on the POTC 3 Premiere in Disneyland. Someone who went before…i was wondering are you alound to stay outside the gates ALL night….or do they make you leave until a certain time? How do you exactly get to be on the sidelines of the red carpet? Do we just purchase a regular Disneyland ticket? I was also wondering how sure this John Frost person was about the date of the premiere? IF SOMEONE COULD ANSWER ME THAT WOULD BE SOOOO GREAT. I am trying to plan this, but I really don’t want to screw up.
Yeah, I was just wondering the exact same thing as the person above me? Anyone got some really useful info here?
I’m almost 100% positive the premiere is on May 19th. If you look at the disneyland calendar, it says that POTC is premiering that day and that the park is closing early.
I HAVE to be there this year. I found out about last years premiere a day before and no one could have taken me. I was so sad for days that JD, OB, and KK was 30 mins away from my house and I was at home watching tv.
If anyone has any information at all or getting premiere tickets PLEASE contact me. Any way of obtaining the tickets… purchasing.. winning.. getting to know someone… ANYTHING
please and thank you
Cast Members are blacked out on that day which pretty much lays the foundation for this being the day of the PotC3 premiere… along with adjusted park hours.
This is really bad!!!!!
I just contacted the guest realtions at Disneyland directly today and they said that the POTC 3 premiere is not on May 19th!! They said that at this point, they have no information about the premiere at all and they dont even know if it will be there at all or whether the public will be allowed in even for the red carpet. She said that for POTC1 the public wasnt allowed in only ticket holders and for POTC2 the public was allowed in for the red carpet. She said they have many special events (there is one in April too) that are not for the public and that if they did have info about the premiere that they would tell us. She said to call back at the beginning of next month to see if they know anything then. She said not to book a trip around the 19th or you will be disappointed!!
Micayla, don’t let the mean person at Disney Guest Relations scare you. They’re just reading off a script, so Disney covers their ass if something goes wrong and the schedule has to be changed. The event is on the 19th. You won’t be able to get into see the movie, but if you camp out for the red-carpet, you’ll be allowed to stay past the 5pm closing time to watch the stars walk by on the Red-Carpet.
So JOHN FROST you are saying the date IS May 19th? I am just wondering how you know that? I want to be sure because me and my friends are coming from Sacramento, and that would be bad if it wasn’t on May 19th. Please let me know!
I am saying that with near certainty that is the date of the premiere. Whether things change (such as weather, star appearances, etc), that could always happen. Good luck with your trip from sacramento.
thankyou so much John Frost. Please let it be true! Im flying from Sydney (australia)and i have 99% booked everything around the 19th. OMG please let me meet johnny, orlando and keira!
good luck everybody.
ok, i talked to a disneyland cast member, and for those wanting to get tickets, you cant.
you need to be inviteed or “have connections” to actually watch the movie
BUT you can come to the red carpet and see all the celebrities
this is all what i heard from a disney worker
Well the red carpet event better be on the 19th because my whole california vacation is planned around the POTC premeire!!!! I know there is a lot of people asking questions and all-but I NEED SOME ANSWERS! I cant miss this! so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if u have gone before and know anything about how to get in the red carpet PLEASE e-mail me or post it!!!!
THANX SOOOOO MUCH- good luck everyone! :)
Its like 7 weeks till the supossed premire date and its still not confirmed! what the hell is up with that!?
also, do you get a free pin and poster like the people from the 2nd premire got to?
I hope so. I dont know what i shoud take for johnny and orlando and keira to sign hehheehhee :)
Hello all I was at last years and it was amazing–I am going again this year-coming from Canada.It was the second time I have got to meet Johnny and he is the best! One way to know that it is on May 19th and not on the 22nd of April is they do not run any parades the day of the premiere(red carpet and all!!) and there are no parades scheduled May19th but there are on April 22nd! Plus you can still get rooms at DL hotels on April 22nd, nothing May 19th. My advice get there really early–4/4:30 am to wait. Then you will get a great spot up front. Bring a friend and make friends with the ppl around you(very important for food runs or bathroom breaks!)also get a locker early to store your stuff–I made some great friends last year and we are all meeting up this year again. We even managed to score pieces of the carpet for our scrapebooks! cheers and here is to the bestday ever May19th!
What time do u really think we should be there to get a good spot — 4:30??? r u serious but ill do what ever it takes
Please let me know some more info
Where r the lockers at???/ thanx
Yes I am serious!!That is what time the people at the start of the carpet on Mainstreet were there for. Plus with all the hype the second premiere got I do believe this one will be even bigger! The lockers we used were in the alley way beside the coffee shop on Mainstreet. Also make sure if you are with friends you take turns going around the park early in the day to take pictures of all the props and decorations they have up for the premiere as well as the area they are going to show the movie that night.They make great shots for a scrapbook not to mention how clue it all is. I am not sure if it will be any different this year but last year the coffee shop offered free refills on coffee by just showing your receipt—thank-goodness!! Hopefully this helps!
Seeing-Stars has posted it on the website~ its the 19th for sure YAY!
Does anyone know anything about the premiere in Disneyland Paris?
I heard there will be one, but there’s no confirmation to find about that anywhere……
Also I’d like to know if that permiere will be an official one like the one in Disney Califirnia?
I heard a rumour the actors won’t attend the one in Disneyland Paris.
I wish I could come to the one in Disney California, but it’s too expensive for me, as I’m from Europe.
So I’m keeping everything crossed for the one in Disneyland Paris…………
Sorry, It’s just nonsense that there will be no premiere in Europe. The conclusive one of the trilogy will be presented ONLY in America? Sorry. They are not so silly to make us angry this way. I can’t believe that. It’s because of US that POTC has been such a worldwide phenomenon!! I can’t believe. To me, it’s just a matter of waiting and see what happens.
so keep hoping!
Even so, we from Italy are ready to go to California.
why dont they do one in australia/new zealand for goodness sake!
I would get there earlier than 4:30. I’ve been at Disneyland for other big events, like the 50th celebration, and people were lined up to get into the park before it was even closed the day before.
I phoned Buena Vista UK yesterday and spoke to someone from the press office.
I was told that there will be premieres in Disneyland California and in Tokyo.
I asked about a London or Disneyland Paris premiere and the woman told me there will be no European premiere at all.
I’m still hoping against all hope, but it really seems there won’t be one…..
The only problem with going the night before is they make you move so they can clean up the area for the next day so going before 4 or 430am is pretty much useless
so..sorry if this is dumb u guys, but it’s ok 2 go alone from another country for this thing isn’t it lol? anaheim is safe right? :)
Yes, Anaheim is safe to answer the above question.
I live in Hollywood & plan on going.
“Walt Disney’s’
“Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World’s End”
(Starring: Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley,
Geoffrey Rush, Chow Yun-Fat, et al.)
Saturday, May 19, 2006 – time TBA
( Disneyland park will close early that day, at 5:00 PM ; those already inside
the park will most likely be allowed to stay and watch the red carpet arrivals
later on Main Street USA, but will not be admitted to the premiere itself. )
at Disneyland
1300 Harbor Drive, Anaheim, CA”
It was announced on seeing stars, however it has a typo which says 2006. o_O
Thanks so much for filling me in! ive never gone and i finally get to go for the 3rd one!! I just dont want to screw this up for me! im so physced and I have to get autographs-Do u remember what the coffee house was called-that would be GREAT\
-and if u know anything please post it — I need all the help i can get!! :) :) :)
Does anyone know about banners? We want to bring our own, however I know that Disney is pretty strict with licencing rights. My husband was going to do a drawing with Cptn. Jack and the Black Pearl. Do you think they will not allow us to show it?
I think they would let you, dont worry. From what I saw from the dvd and videos last year people brought all different banners, flags and posters along.
Do we get a free poster/pin like people did last year? :)
I am going completely crazy over here!! I bought and made reservations for the 24th-26th of May cuz i thought the premier was gonna be during those days. But then i start hearing that the actual premier is going to be on the 19th of May, and then i hear another story saying that its NOT on the 19th and they are not sure when the exact date is and yadi yadi yada the story keeps going back and forth. So yeah i went to and checked their calendar and it said…
Special Theme Park Hours for May 19, 2007
Due to a private event on Saturday, May 19, 2007, Disneyland® Park will be opening at 6:30 a.m. and closing at 5:00 p.m. Disney’s California Adventure® Park will extend its hours that day and will be open from 10:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m.
So YA SEE!!!! I need answers people! i dont wanna hear anymore “I HEARD” or “I READ SOMEWHERE”…ect…so chyea give me answers please!! I’m desperate!! =(
seeing-stars has confirmed it lol
once it’s posted on that site there’s no need to go crazy =)
just go 2 and check out the calendar of events lol
Are the parking lots going to be open at 4:00am? If not, where are you supposed to park?
Yes, parking lots should be open. There are tonnnns of them, so that’s not a problem.
And yes, it’s been confirmed for MAY 19th on seeing stars. It’s official.
As for posters, almost anything is allowed.
I really need to know for sure if we are able to be in front of the gates all night…or REALLY REALLY early in the morning. I hear from some people that you can, and then some people say you cannot. If you guys could give me anything that would be great!!! Thank You!!! :)
Yes, you can wait all day from early in the morning along Main Street.
Thanks for the information on the banners. My husband is a great artist and I would hate for them to take it away because it’s not from Disney. I hope to see you all there!
No problem, hope everything goes gr8 for everyone, YAY! 40 days till the premiere! woohoo! c u all there! :)
They didn’t allow us to bring in our home made banners last year. I was there in line really early and that is one of the things they made us throw away. Maybe if you came later in the day they would have allowed you to bring in a banner, but those of us who were their in the early hours had to trash them. We did get a button and special flyer for the day. Also go a pair of Pirate Mickey Ears to wear as well.
im sorry kitty for saying you could before, its just that my best friends cousin went to the 1st one and took a big drawing of Will and orlando signed it! :(
For all you lucky people who live in the USA and also to help confirm the actual date of the AWE premiere here is an AMAZING Sweepstakes you can enter (can you hear my Canadian girl tears hitting the floor!). Good-Luck to those of you who can enter!
Yeah, that’s very odd they made you throw it away. I’ve known people to have posters signed, and on top of that, I’ve seen on the news coverage of the premiere … people with posters.
I guess it’s up to you, if you want to chance it.
hay! so the date is confirmed on may 19th? I just have to meet johnny! He rules!!!!!!!!! the only problemo is my big brother is graduating from boot-camp that weekend so, I can’t go and i’m just dieing to see him!!!!!!!!!I LOVE JOHNNY DEPP!!!!!!*
im new here , i am johnny depp and pirates of the caribbeans biggest fan , i live in england, how can i meet johnny depp? plz help!
love katy x x x x
Why dont you check out a website called “all in london”.
That specalizes in the POTC3 premiere news for London and where and when it will be.
Hope that helps. If not just type something like “At Worlds End Premiere” in the google searchbar.
:) good luck
hay!!!!! does anybody know if the premeire in disneyland california is actualy on the 19th? I really have to know!!!
hey all im planning on going and i was wondering if parking lots will be open and if so how early like 2?????
Premiere Tickets now for sale to the public!
Yeah, now for $1500 you can buy a ticket to go INTO the premiere. However, I don’t find it worth it. I’d rather meet all the stars and get autographs. There’s SOO many people attending. I knew someone to go INTO the premiere last year and they only got glimpses of Johnny, Keira, & Orlando.
So one of my friend’s tolld me that even if you buy park tickets for that day, they will kick you out and you wont be able to stand next to the red carpet…Is this true?? =(
OMG NO IT IS NOT TRUE. You can line up outside as early as you want, and at 6:30 in the morning when the park opens they will let you in by where the red carpet will be. at that point all you do is wait. when the park shuts down, you are ALLOWED to stay by the red carpet waiting, even though the park is closed.
YES!!! Thank you so much for the info.!! I thought i was never gonna be able to get in! haha WOW!. Now I’m really excited! Well i hope all of u guys have fun at the premier then! I know i will!! wooohooo! can’t wait!!!!! =D
They said that the premiere being on the 19th is confirmed!!Thank goodness b/c i was worried that they would change it or it would be a rumor?! I’m just hoping that everything will go right and ill be able to find everything so i can get there early enough to get a good spot on the red carpet??!!
As for posters- i would bring the drawing along anyway- u dont want to find out that u could have brought it when u didn’t! :)
Thanks—- GOOD LUCK, c u there!
hey guys so i know it says that ur “not allowed to camp out over night” but what exactly do they consider over night???
Well, it’s worth it to me to pay to go see the movie at the premiere. Tickets have been purchased. Me, my husband, and 17 year old son are all going. It took a little persuasion on my husband’s part but he finally said, “Oh what the heck.” My son doesn’t get excited about much but he is psyched about this :o) Getting to walk the red carpet…..a once in a life time opportunity! Way too exciting!!!
All I know is that I’d rather meet the stars. I’ll walk the carpet some other time.
OMG! THIS TOTALY SUX! I have always wanted to go to a Pirrates of teh Caribbean movie premiere and now THAT MY MOTHER HAS FINALLY SAID TES YOU AND I WILL GO ISABEL YOU WIL NVER BELIVE THIS! MY LITTEL SISTERS FIRST HOLY COMMUNION IS ON THAT EXACT SAME DATE May 19! URGH!i just told my mom the date and she reminded me of that and I swear my heart sank. I got all exited and im liek YES! I AM GOING TO SEE ORLANDO BLOOM! OMG! And then my mother says oh well that stinks, too bad we CANT GO! huh. well congrats to those who are going. you wont see my there.
hah. u wont c me either. not allowed to go overseas, and dont even have passport. :( my sweet johnny ………
I want to ask that if you are at the front of the crowd on the carpet, will you have a GOOD CHANCE of getting a picture or autograph from Johnny, Orlando or Kiera?
id like to know the same thing as rose as well as wut time yall r plannin on being there at cuz ive never been b4 and im kinda frantic about this whole thing///
Yes, you will be. And probably 3:30-4:30 would be good.
hay, isabel? I know exactaly how u feel, i was planning on going too but my big brother is graduating from bootcamp and we need the money to go tho that and it’s on the exact same date as the premiereand i just told my mom that seeing johnny is a better thing to spend the money on than go to my brother’s graduation and she just laughed. so, ur not gonna see me there either. boo hoo!!! waaaaaaa!!!
My credit card has not seen this much use in a long time. :)~ Just purchased tickets to the POTC: Premiere!!! I am so excited. I also, just purchased POTC marathon tickets at the El Capitan. I’m stoked …
But, in case anyone was wondering they are giving tickets away through KROQ here in Las Vegas. You have to listen to Kevin and Bean in the morning. I think it’s all week long.
Sorry … typo above. They are giving away tickets on KROQ (106.7) in Los Angeles … NOT Las Vegas.
So, KROQ is NOT giving away tickets to the POTC III World Premiere!!! They announced the event again this morning, but are actually giving away PARK HOPPER tickets to attend the Disneyland park for the opening of the new Tom Swayer: Pirate’s Lair. The tickets will get you in the park an hour early. … On as side note AOL: City Guide is giving away a set of tickets to the World Premiere.
My credit card’s had quite a workout, too. Bought the premiere package, airfare, car rental & hotel. On the other hand, I’ll be glad to just breathe the same air as my beloved Johnny!
hey all i went to dland today and got the 411 parking lots open at 5 ticket booths open at 6 =]
hey all i went to dland today and got the 411 parking lots open at 5 ticket booths open at 6 =]
hey all i went to dland today and got the 411 parking lots open at 5 ticket booths open at 6 =]
Thanks heeeps for the info ANNALOVESJACKSPARROW lol :)
haha no prob rose but wut time r u all getting there at??? =] thanks
:) probably bout 4:30-5 ish i’d say.
there’s no way I’m goin all that way and not getting there early 2c my gorgeous johnny and orli! yay!
Hello you guys. This is so cool, i wonder what celebs will join the cast on the carpet this year?? will seeing-stars say like last year? hope so! ooooh i want to hug johnny and orlando 00) lol
o ok thanks that seems pretty decent i dont think theres too early a time when were dealing with johnny and orlando =]
Hey your all lucky bums to get to go to this thing, i tell you what.
hope you all deserve it
Hi! I heard that the stars arrive later … and that last year Johnny was one of those stars. I am thinking this may be true. Since, we bought tickets and they are for 6PM (the movie doesn’t start until darkfall) that they would want all the “non-celebrities” to come early. That way we are not in the way of those famous people walking down the red carpet. Then they will congregate us all at one of the two pre-premiere parties.
Has anyone been to the premiere before? Even if you didn’t walk it, just to sit on the sidelines. Do you remember what time the stars came in?
hey missvegas i havent ben but im going this year so ive been looking a lot at these blogs and it seems like all the big stars come late like pretty close to wen the movie starts because theyve alawys been rushed in last minute so id say if the movie starts at around 9 then like 7-9ish
“Regular people” have to come before the big stars. They are ushered in and don’t get in the way of the big people. My friend who went last year told me that she barely got a glimpse of them, since it was crowded even when they did arrive.
how early are we allowed to get there??
i want to be the first one there!!!
i would wait FOREVER to breathe orlando’s air!!
can we camp out??
Hey everyone! I so hate myself right now for not knowing tickets were available for purchase… so I’m wondering if anyone knows of any radio stations, tv stations, sweepstakes, etc. in the Los Angeles area that is giving away tickets to the premiere.. I’m so crushed.. any info would be great and thank you everyone for posting and providing useful information to us newcomers!
So if the big stars come later how do we get pictures and everything if they try ti get the regular people out of the way!????:(
Ive never gone b4 and im totally going fanatic about this trip! ive spent a lot of $ on this so it better work out perfectly–lol
keep posting!
So if u get tickets to the premiere all you do is walk down the carpet then go and watch the movie with all these other people and only get a small glimpse of the stars? thats what it sounds like? I just hope i can get a better look at them by the red carpet-maybe score some pictures? ….
Ya- so this year our prom theme is Pirates of the Caribbean! It will be so cool b/c they usually go all out and decorate A LOT! This is definately the year for POTC– in band we played the Pirates theme song, the prom theme is Pirates of the Caribbean, im goin to the red carpet premiere, and then the movie comes out a few days later!
**Lets just say i think either JOHNNY or ORLANDO would make the perfect prom date, but thats just me!:)
Press Release Source: Walt Disney Pictures
World Premiere of Walt Disney Pictures’ PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: AT WORLD’S END at Disneyland in Anaheim, California, to Benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation (R)
Friday May 4, 1:19 pm ET
–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Walt Disney Pictures:
WHO: From the film – Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Geoffrey Rush, Chow
Yun Fat, Naomie Harris, Stellan Skarsgard, Bill Nighy, Keith
Richards, Kevin McNally, Jonathan Pryce, David Schofield, Lee
Arenberg, Martin Klebba, David Bailie, Vanessa Branch, Jack
Davenport, Greg Ellis, Reggie Lee, Peter Donald Badalamenti II,
producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Gore Verbinski.
Other guests include – Laila Ali, Jon Voight, Rhianna, Adrieene
Bailon, Sabrina Bryan, Cheryl Burke, Ricardo Chavira, Maksim
Chmerkovskiy, Bill Ray Cyrus, Miley Cyrus, Janice Dickinson,
Joey Fatone, Leeza Gibbons, Carrie Ann Inaba, Kyle Massey,
Alyson & AJ Michalka, Apolo Anton Ono, Emma Roberts, Brena
Song, Dylan & Cole Sprouse, Kiely Williams, Dave Winfield,
Amanda Bynes, Tommy Lee, Pat Riley, Tony Scott … and more!
for more heres the website
Hey fellow fans….just wanted to know if there is any new info about what time to show up. I want to make sure Im on time! :)
hey lizzie im goin to be there at 3 30 but i heard they dont let u line up outside the main gates til 5 so u have to wait by baggage check
Any ticketholders get their info in the mail yet? I’m still waiting for mine, and we have just over a week …
So, apparently, Keira Knightley will not be attending the premiere.
i know Tal whats up with that any1 know??????
and also any tips on where the best place to stand is for ther premiere????
She’s filming her new movie with Sienna Miller. She might still come, I can’t believe she wouldn’t. That would give her a bad edge with fans, but whatever – I’m not going with her.
Anna – The closer the better. That’s all I can say.
omg i really wnt 2 go 2 the premiere its on my birthday but i dont think i will be able to go paris. Where do you get the tickets sum1 plz help me!!!!!
thanks Tal =]
And Claire if you want to see the movie at Disneyland its sold out sorry =[
But you can still buy a ticket to Disneyland and watch the red carpet arrivals.
So the premier is only in like 6 days! and I’m totally stoked! So what time do u guys think will be the best time in the morning to get there??
Erika Cortez so far i think its 4:30..
Well Are You Going to The Actual Premiere itself or just see the red carpet???
I know I cant beleive that im actually going to the premiere……5 days and counting! See you all there!
Erika, id probubly say maybe earlier if you can?
Oh- what are you guys going to bring to sign? does everyone just bring posters and stuff?
hey katie i bought the pirates of the caribbean autograph book at disneyland so im gonna bring that but ive seen people that bring bags, shirts, notebooks, posters, pics anything and everything =]
ah im so excited u guys!!!
would like to know if the public will be able to purchase potc3 red carpet tickets
Ok…Wait Hold on Im Kinda confused someone help the day is almost here….If Were Not Going to the actual Premiere itself wat time should we be there just to see the stars on the red carpet???
PLease…..Ived been waiting for this since i found out last year the premiere was being held at disneyland…and i live so close
Anyone who purchases a Disneyland admission ticket can stay and see the red carpet arrivals. However if you want a good seat, get there early and prepare to sit all day long. Unless you have more than 1 in your group, you leave, you will most likely loose your place. It gets very crowded and busy the day of the premiere. I know, I was there last year and was at the front gate at 5am. Got a good seat to see Johnny!
I LOve JAck…Thanks That was HelpFul…..
Did you Buy tHe Tickets for the actual Movie???
And since you were there last year…Did he actually like give autographs and take pictures????
Im askin just so i wont be dissapointed…
And where Exactly Do we Wait???? Im Askin Since you were there….Please give me an answer..
hey does ne1 know if both seurity gates will be open the one by drop off and the one by the tram???
thanks ya
Only 4 more days!!!!!…. im totally freaking out! I can’t wait- i really hope i’ll see JOhnny! Maybe an autograph? What are the chances for an autograph anyway…i dont wanna be disappointed :(
Is anytime too early to get there?
Hey Tania! Well I’m only going to see the red carpet, but i know its gonna get pretty crazy over there, soo…what would be the BEST time to get there??
Hey Tania,
You sit anywhere along the red carpet. It runs along the flag pole hub up Main Street and around the Partners hub by Sleeping Beauty’s Castle. There were barries set up, but you could get right up to them and the red carpet is right on the other side. I would sit towards the beginning because I heard later that those who were close to the castle did not get to see the stars because it was late and they were rushed in. However, to answer your question, yes I did purchase tickets to the premier this year and am very excited that I am able to attend, buy my bank account isn’t so happy. Anyways, I did get pics of Johnny and everyone else. And yes some did sign autographs. Last year they gave us a special brochure for the day that had Capt’n Jack and most had the stars sign that. I didn’t hound for autographs, just got pics and lots of them. Bring a spare battery for your camera, you will need it.
Wow this is going to be soo fun but sooo stressful everyone make sure to drink plenty of water during the day!!
very well put, tania, about everyone cooperating. some of us are taking our pre-teens and would hate to see anyone get hurt, by pushing or shoving. hopefully everyone will relax, so we can all enjoy.
yes, be towards the front of the red carpet. I was sitting across from the Carnation Cafe, close bathroom, food and lockers. Also, you can bring any poster you would like, however, last year those of us who were there earlier, we had to discard out home made large banners. Made me a little upset when I saw others who had them. But what can you do? Anyways, wear any Depp shirt you want. I saw Pirates of the Caribbean and home-made I Love Johnny, Orlando, Kiera, etc. shirts on everyone, even a couple of guys.
I would show you some photos from last year, but I don’t think I can post them on this blog. At least, I don’t know how to.
The red carpet is lined down Main Street and there are barricades lined with it so that everyone does not get onto the red carpet, but it sits next to the carpet. Once you stand up (when the stars start walking down) if they come to you, you are close enough to touch and hug and whatever.
If you need more information, just let me know.
Hey everyone,
This is going to be my first year going and sadly I think I might be going alone. So I’m wondering if people are usually helpful and might watch your spot if you have to go the bathroom or wanna take pics around the park or whatever. Also, do many people bring food, other supplies, etc.. what about folding chairs? Is there anything that is absolutely prohibited? And I know this question has been asked so many times, but what, really, is the best time to get there with the park opening at 6:30? Would 5 be too early, too late? What about 6? Any info would be helpful and, again, thank you so much everyone for useful info! Can’t wait!!
Oh ANd one more thing If We go really Really Early can we camp Out???LIke At 12:00am…Oh Ok So know i Gte the whole Thing But Its still Not Clear … We buy Our Tickets Go Inside And Wait Or we wait outside the park??
You have to wait until the park opens at 6:30 to actually get inside and claim your spot, but you can wait in line outside the baggage check tent. I got there at 5am last year and there were already people in line. I don’t know if you can camp out. I know people did on July 17, 2005 for the actual 50th anniversay day. Had I known that I would have too, but was there at 3:30 and still had a long line to wait in, but this is Pirates of the Caribbean, you might not be allowed to camp out. Your best bet would be to call Disney Public Relations.
Chairs/stools are prohibited, but you can bring a soft squishy pillow to sit on. Also bring a blanket, the ground gets very warm in the sun.
If you are alone, make friends with those who sit around you and when needed, ask them if they will save your spot for you. The group I sat with last year, there was a single person and we were polite and saved her spot.
I’ll see you all on the Red Carpet!
I Love Jack,
Thank you so much! I really appreciate all the info! See you guys there!
I hope i get a good spot this time last time my spot was horrible oh well gotta get there earlier this time
2 MORE DAYS…. this thing is going to be crazy fun! So are there shops and stores close by that you can buy Pirates merchandise and stuff? Hey maybe Ill meet some of you there!
I have blond hair, 5’9, and blue eyes (i that narrows it down any! LOL)
Oh Ok I LOve Jack Thanks Alot…
But Just One more ??? I Dont Have My Ticket to get inside the park Yet Do you Think Its Dumb If I Go Early wen I Still Havent bOught MY Ticket??? well Yeah Thanks To Everyone who has answered My questions Im So Exited
I Already bought wat im gonna wear Yes im So HAppyyy…..!!!!! 2 More Days Man Im HApppy
if you live close to the park, I’d go the day before and buy your ticket. Otherwise you will need to stand in the ticket line while those who already have there’s get the “sweet” spots on the red carpet.
I have an annual pass, so I don’t know how long it takes to get through the ticket line.
I Love Jack,
I have another question (sorry!) that I hope you can help with. I’m also wondering how late most people stay. Do we all have to leave after the stars walk down the red carpet? Do most people stay and hang out in Downtown Disney or something – well, I guess that depends on who you’re with. I’m just wondering if anything else Pirates related goes down after the stars walk and the movie starts. And you also said earlier that getting a spot close to the beginning of the red carpet around the Carnation Cafe etc is best? And would you recommend spending the night before the premiere near the park or after the premiere if at all possible? Thank you again for all your help! Hope to meet lots of nice fans :)
I Love Jack,
Have you made sure that you don’t have to pay like $30 or something even though you’re a pass holder because it is a special event day? I remember when I had a pass some days I still had to pay a small amount.
I just got home from Disneyland (Wed)and the stage is all set up for Sat. The biggest screen i’ve ever seen on Tom Sayer Island, and a ton of bleachers along the river walkway. They also have a bunch of props from the movies!
hey guys im new here and i think its so cool how u all help each other out!@ AWESOME!! so im going this year and i had terrible spots last year and this year i want the best possible spots so how early wud u reccomend getting there and hwere shud i aim for sitting at????
thanks for the help u guys rock!!!
ok so i heard that the public will be able to attend the red carpet event, but we will not be allowed to ask for pictures or autographs…is this true?? please let me know
Hey guys,
I know this might sound lame, but are there any other solo fans going? I know we don’t know each other – at least not yet, ha! – but I was thinking it might be nice if solos sat together or helped each other out with bathroom breaks, park pics, etc.. or if anyone wants to take people under their wing ha.. anyway, I think I’m just getting really excited – and a bit nervous since I’m new to all this and might be goin’ solo.. thanks again to everyone!
I hope that’s not true, that would be so lame especially they’ve been so good about pics and autographs in the past..
Thanks anna loves jack sparrow!
The Premier is almost here!!!!!!! I just wanted to ask any1 who went last year where exactly baggage check is? And also, to whoever is planning on being there before 5am, what should we do since the parking lots don’t open up until 5am? Where will be a good place to wait and park or line up if we’re there b4 5? Will they have someone there to control or guide any1? Sorry so many questions, im just really nervous. Thanks!
Hey all and (G),
I have a premium annual pass, so I don’t have to worry about any black out dates, and I bought tickets to the actual premier so I don’t have to get up so early.
But, if you live far away and would rather not drive the drive (I personally live in AZ and am leaving this afternoon) I would get a hotel room, if you can find one. Otherwise, you will have to get up extra early to make the drive.
The parking lots don’t open until 5am but you can wait in the line prior to. When I got there last year there were already a line of cars waiting to get in.
Also, I stayed until I saw Johnny Depp. He was the last to walk the red carpet and there was an incident where he was rushed off the carpet last year, he did come back onto the red carpet to walk. I waited until I got to get a picture of him, so it was about 9:15 at night when I finally went back to my hotel room. But I do believe that California Adventures is open until 11 and of course there is Downtown Disney to enjoy.
Yes the closer to the start of the red carpet the better off you are. In case they arrive late and have to be rushed down the carpet towards the end. You know they have to stop for all the press and us fans. It takes a while to get down that really long red carpet.
I sat by the Carnation Cafe last year because it was right next to the bathroom, food, lockers and water.
Everyone is really nice if you are solo and need to leave to do something. Just chat it up with your neighbors. If they know you are alone, they will hold your spot.
Hey Alexa =), thanks for adding the info about the ticket line. I’ve never actually bought a ticket while there, always had an annual pass and get that through the mail so I don’t really know when they open in the morning.
See you all on the red carpet.
I Love Jack,
Thank you again so much for all the great info! Nice that you have the Premium pass. I hate getting a hotel (I live an hour away) but at the same time I really don’t wanna get up at 3 or 3:30 to drive haha. Thanks again! Can’t wait!
Hey, what is everyone wearing to the red carpet? I know tons of people will have Pirate themed shirts on…
I am wearing my I Love Pirates tee shirt along with newly inked skull and cross bones tattoo.
I was informed that the dress code is Pirate wear. But I don’t think I can get away with the striped red and white shirt with the red bandanna and eye-patch. lol.
That sounds fun :) But dress code? Are we not getting into the park if we aren’t dressed in “pirate wear?”
Just thought of another question, ha! Okay, so what’s the food situation like throughout the day? I was thinking I can probably get breakfast and lunch in the park, however, I wasn’t sure about dinner with the park closing at 5. What do most people do?
Hey G,
Oh no, you can wear what ever you want to Disneyland. Pirate Wear is what was in the letter I received for the Premiere. I’ll be walking the red carpet, guess they want those of us who are to look the part for ya’ll. ;)
I couldn’t tell you about the food situation after 5pm. I didn’t eat dinner last year. Was too excited about everyone starting down the red carpet to really pay much attention to my stomach. lol. Of course, by the time I left I was much too tired to worry about food. I would say eat a late lunch or bring snacks.
you can come with me if you want …..
i know how you feel because i was gonna go alone or who knows i might go alone..i doubt ill go alone but if you want to come with me
and i also want to hear whos excited like me i think if i do see johnny depp ill burst in tears..Hopefully i dont but i think i am..
Hey Tania,
Thank you so much for your offer, that is incredibly sweet of you :) If you wouldn’t mind, meeting up might be nice. I was planning on getting to park between 4:30 and 5 a.m. and I’m assuming that we all want to get a spot close to the beg. of the red carpet. So those are my only plans for now anyway. If you’d like my e-mail let me know otherwise we can just correspond on this blog.
I Love Jack,
Thanks for the food info. Yeah, I’m definitely planning on bringing snacks too. Have fun struttin’ down the red carpet – that’s gotta be so awesome!
if the parking lot opens at 5 and if i get there before 5, do i have to wait in line for the parking lot in the car, or can i get dropped off and just go through the parking lot to the line? it’s my first time going to a big event like this so i want to be prepared. i already read great advice from i love jack and alexa…please answer my question.
Thanks for all the advice you guys!!!!!! I’ll see you all on the red carpet. To those who bought premiere tickets….I hope you have a blast. Dont forget to let us all know how it was and what we all missed. ;)
Hey Jayla,
Well how many people are going with you? If its just you then yes you will have to wait for the parking lot to open then go to the gates but my only worry with that is by the time you got there it would be like 515 and really busy.. But, if you have more you can do what I’m doing and have one person go park the car while the other 2 wait in line. But ya after you park you can go straight to the gates wher the rest of your group would be. I hope that helps if you need something more specific just let me know.
ITS TOMORROWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi All,
All this information has been awesome!!! And reading this gets me even more excited than I already am. I bought tickets to the premiere for my sister and I … but, I was wondering for those that bought the preimiere tickets, are you getting there early to pick up your tickets at Will Call?
The information letter said you must pick up your tickets by 7:30PM. And you can pick them up as early as 6PM. My dilemma is that the “better” stars arrive later. And by picking up my tickets later than I would imagine there would be a better opportunity to rub some elbows with stars I actually now. Although, we are not allowed to stop on the red carpet and we cannot ask for autographs or for stars to pose for pictures, I still want to snap a few of the crowd, the set-up, my sister and I. So, then I am wondering if it would be better to pick up my ticket earlier and just walk the red carpet (I am sure they will whisk all of us “non-celebrity” stars down the carpet fast). And then I can head to the pre-party.
Any ideas? What are the rest of you who are going planning?
Thanks for your help!
Hey at what time would you say that we have to line up near the red carpet? Can we ask the stars for autographs? The person I am really looking forward to seeing is Miley Cyrus!!!!!!!!!! She is so cool. I would die if I saw her, took a pic with her, or even get an autograph from her!!!!!
i was in tears for an hour after johnny
everyone else was whatever
i hardly cared
even about orlando
johnny was just inbelievable.
he wasn’t talked to anyone really just saying thank you and god bless and smiling and thanking. when he got up to me he was like “hi” i’m like in my mind HOLY SHIT then he staring into my eyes like piercing eyes. and he smiles and i manage to say hi. and he just keeps looking into my eyes so i get my camera and snap.
he was so beautiful
and when he was signing my autograph his hands were amazing grabbed his hand and wow
just it was unbelievable.
the amazing picture of when he kept looking straight at me
and his hand, amazing
hey did any1 get good pics of orlando at the premiere last night like close ups i only got 1 and im so sad if so can u email them to me at [email protected] please=] thanks so much!!!
omg i saw johnny and he smiled at me too seems so sweet he didnt say anyhting but he was being rushed barely had enough time to give autographs but wow what an amazing guy!!!
yah me and my friend were in the VIP area. It was a great movie!
I took my daughter to Disneyland to see the POTC World Premiere. What a fantastic experience! Orlando Bloom is one classy guy, but I personally boo’d Johnny Depp. After driving 8 hours to get to L.A. the night before, getting 4 hours sleep, getting up at 3:30 a.m. to have everybody at Disneyland at 5:00, waiting to get into the Park at 6:30, staking out a stop and sitting for nearly 14 hours, Johnny Depp came out to the red carpet and quickly made his way down ONE SIDE of the red carpet, keeping his head low and signing his initials on whatever was stuck in front of his face. When the side of the street I was on got frustrated, chanting started, “Don’t forget us! Don’t forget us!” He was well past us when he finally turned around for about 2 seconds and then turned back again. The man has no manners. Without fans, he would be nothing. To not acknowledge all the people there and what we all went through to get a glimpse of the magic, the very least he could do is turn around a few times and smile. Granted, we were on the side with the media and I completely get that he didn’t want to deal with them. Neither did Orlando. But Orlando had the class and grace to turn around periodically and smile his gorgeous smile with a wave of his hand, acknowledging his fans. Somebody needs to tell Johnny to use some of his money to buy a clue.
Yeah, the west side didn’t get autographs, but you lined up there knowingly. Press would be blocking you, therefore stars not being able to walk down that side.
We weren’t expecting to meet the stars, being on that side of the street, but every other celebrity managed to turn, smile and wave. We had close ups of many of them, as most spoke with the media. The *only* person who did not turn and at least smile long enough for the cameras was Johnny Depp. Unbelievable.
As for lining up there knowingly…well, only so many people can get on one side of the street. *Somebody* has to be on the other side.
i think the reason johnny did not look at your side was that he did not know there were fans as well as media on that side and i think he hates the media i am sorry that happened though i know that day was hard i still dont feel good still tired
You’re right that we weren’t offered water, hats, balloons, etc. You’d think that since that entire side went to just as much trouble, and expense, as the other side did in getting there, that the LEAST they could do would be to make sure we were offered the same concessions and to get good photo ops.
Disney needs to seriously re-think stretching the media down an entire side of the red carpet and charging the guests who have to be behind them the same admission as those who get the premium side.
We also had a problem with people who wanted to ride the rides all day and then show up at 3:00 or 4:00 and cram into the space we’d been sitting at since 6:30 in the morning. I actually had a security guy come up to me and tell me my entire party had to stand up (it was 2:00!!) because “we have some guests who are unhappy that they can’t get a spot.” I told him that we were also guests and that I suggest his unhappy guests arrive at 5:00 a.m., as we did, to save their spot the next time. I was appalled that Disney would speak to us this way, as if *we* were not guests as well.
Anyway, those are the negatives. All in all, we had a really great time, saw lots of celebrities, made friends with those around us, and my daughter and one of her friends made it on the TV Guide channel. And, oh yeah, my feet don’t hurt anymore! :-)
Of course Johnny didn’t look at the media side of the carpet — if he had, he would have been barraged by press requests and then he would have been badmouthed for not coming over to interview with any of them. And if he interviewed with one of the outlets on Main Street, then all the other outlets that don’t get the interview are pissed.
If you line up on the press side of the event, you’re not going to get the same attention at the other side of the street — that’s all there is to it. Considering that none of the celebs are contractually obligated to show up at the premiere (much less stop for fans), it’s incredible that most of them can and will spend hours on the carpet meeting as many fans as they can. There isn’t another premiere event in the world that gives 15,000 fans access to A-list stars like this.
wwooww its funny how the fact that someone didnt wave at u cud make u all so unhappy, u had to know that by sitting at the end of the carpet or on the press side that u wud not be shown the same attention as the other side.. u wudve ben kidding urself to really think they wud go over there c’mon now and as for disney they did a wonderful job this yeaR!! there was only 2 or 300 of them and around 15000 or more of us if they didnt show authority the whole thing wud have ben chaotic! i think we all need to appreciate the stars for not just cruising down the red carpet and that they have the apprecaition to sign autographs annd take pics=] i for one had a great time! but then again i was there at 2 am and in the front of the right side so i guess u cud say its not the stars or disneys fault u decided to show up later in the day..
heres a few of my fav pics:
Johnny smiling:…d347f9e5029.jpg”
more johnny:…bb4cb1755-1.jpg
more johnny:…d347f9e5029.jpg”
more orlando…d7617f2ef9a.jpg”
theres more tooo lol but ya those are my 4 faves
I am totally on your side VICTORIA….there are thousands of fans and only johnny orlando and the other celebs on the carpet. you cant expect johnny to do EVERYTHING. I heard that a girl held on to him and wouldn’t let go. the guards had to literally take her off of him. Plus he wasn’t feeling well that day. So damn just cool it. the people at the very end of the carpet couldn’t get aanything from johnny and orlando because both of them were just zooming through. so just appreciate that they showed up and that they are hard working men. Geez!
omg alexa =] those are amazing pics you must have had such amazing spots!!!!!
and POTCPrincess dont u mean ur on alexas side victoria said she wanted johnny to turn and come over sorry i was just confused but ya alexa ur right well said girl =] lol i wish i cudve gone
i was just curious if there is a fourth pirates movie do any of you plan on making the trip back to dland or is it not worth it to you?
thanks anna lol
and hogan23. IN A HEARTBEAT!!! i want them to make a fourth film soley for the purpose of this premiere it was absoulutely the best night of my life!!!!
Hahaha sorry yes alexa’s side anna…but yeah, well said hehehe anyways i went to the red carpet stuff and seen potc 3….i would say that they could make another pirates, but with a new villian….anyone wanna know anything else???hehe nah i thought the movie was good…and orlando in the movie was HOT!, and at first i didnt think that he was, i mean hes cute and all, but when he came out with his bandana, i was like holy crap! i think it was the long hair…lol but anyways…the movie was good , and keira has a bigger role in this movie…i would definitely go back to DL for POTC4 and spend 1500 again. i think they are having the potc3 premiere in tokyo japan tonight, and Keira is going to be there.
I do think Disney should have treated their guests better. This is Disneyland. It was as if they were in over their heads and in a panic. Some of the female security people actually braced the gates with their bodies when Johnny Depp went by. We were in the stadium seating near the media, but most of the fans were very well behaved. Nobody tried to cross the barrier. Disney also told the celebrities that we were not allowed to receive autographs even though some of the stars ignored them. Disney was dissapointing, but the stars,(especially Johnny Depp) were not. I have a lot of great celebrity photos, except for Johnny Depp, my Camera battery let me down. I would do it again, but prepare better. This was my fist premiere.
One comment for those of you who think Disney did a good job… No, they did not. I arrived in the wee hours of the morning as well, had a ticket ahead of time, etc. This premiere just had more people than the previous ones and there just was not enough room on the “good” side of the carpet. It is Disney’s fault for not preparing for that better and devising a better set-up plan. Disney HAD to know that those people behind the Press (too many of us) would be very upset and that they should have warned us (which they didn’t – we received conflicting reports all day long). I completely understand why Johnny and Orlando didn’t want to come over to our side, however, not to be cocky, but there would be no performing arts if people did not want to watch and support the artists. Disney AND Johnny and Orlando would have HAD to know that the majority of us were investing so much money, time, and resources, primarily to see them. I’m still a huge fan of Johnny, however, for usually being such a great signer and picture-taker he could have done a better job at at least acknowledging us. Yet, the blame should still lie primarily with Disney for their HORRIBLE set-up and RUDE personnel. Sad to say, I’m still a huge fan of Disneyland and their other entertainment venture.. just hopefully they stop ruining the world with child labor, environmental offenses, etc.. I advise EVERYONE dissatisfied with Disney’s behaviour this past Saturday to write them – I’m writing them. Disney is capable – and responsible – for providing its fans and supporters with MUCH better. Even though we can’t hate Johnny and Orlando (because, seriously, if we were in their position would we want to be hounded by the Press? although, our larger group met some nice dudes..) Disney personnel should not have ignored us in regard to water (which they only sold to the pre-pubescent cheerleader that screamed the loudest – a new low for evern Disney), prizes, etc. That was just unacceptable. All of this being said – omg, it was still a great night – just don’t tell Disney I said that. I realized in retrospect that I saw the back of one of the most talented actors of our time – a very gorgeous and talented younger actor as well. I would do it again, but BE PREPARED FOR DISSAPPOINTMENTS AND GET THERE EARLIER THAN YOU THINK YOU NEED TO AND SAVE, SAVE, SAVE TO SHELL OUT THE RIDICULOUS AMOUNT OF DOUGH !!! Sorry for the loooong rant, but there ya have it!
Okay, now to the rest of you, does any one have any info about the POTC marathon at the El Capitan Marathon in Hollywood, CA.? I know it costs about $100, you get some food, reserved seating only though the phone… What I am curious about is whether or not any talent from the movies will be there. Primarily Johnny or Orlando. I know they’re supposed to be in Tokyo for the Japan premiere I think today (?) but I was wondering if they might go to the marathon at El Capitan?? On the flyer it says “maybe special guests” so anyone with any info, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE share! Thank you!
Not to keep kavetching, but please, don’t try and tell us we didn’t get there early enough if we got there anytime between 2 and 6 – in any other situation that should have been early enough and WAS early enough last year. People around me traveled from Nor Cal, Canada, Central Cal. Some drove through the night, most spent hundreds of dollars and waited JUST AS LONG as you people on the “good” side so don’t try and tell us otherwise. The people that caused the Disney personnel to tell us to stand up around 2 or 3 to fit more people were coming TOO late. Seriously, if you were there after the park opened expecting to get a good seat up front, no, sorry, you should have waited too. However, point of advice – I met some people that stood on benches between the Adventureland entrance and the Fronteirland entrance that got there around 3PM – GREAT view, however, no chance of getting autographs. You be the judge. But that’s totally fine, that’s not trying to hoard in on other’s spaces. Although it wasn’t too bad, only a couple people did on my side.
I’m sorry to hear that your experiences weren’t great – but isn’t it a little unfair to blame Disney? I thought they did an absolutely fantastic job. Like someone else posted – no other premiere grants this kind of public access, and it is unrealistic to expect the big stars to please 20,000 + people in the span of an hour or two. I also feel slighted that some people were bashing those of us who paid for the premiere – the way I see it, a family with a dying child is going to be able to have a wonderful trip to the happiest place on Earth thanks to my husband and I. And we got a “wish trip” out of it too! Truly once-in-a-lifetime. It was completely seamless and well-organized from start to finish for us. All the CM’s looked like they were having a great time, and couldn’t have been more helpful to us. And we didn’t get ANY photo ops with Johnny and Orlando. We had to check our cameras for the movie by the time they were rushed in the the screening. But I was still there. And I’ll never forget it. Thanks Disney! It greatly exceeded our expectations! I can download photos of Johnny & Orlando from the net that are way better than any I could have taken myself anyway!
I’m sorry some people didn’t have good experiences, but honestly I waited just as long as anyone else and knew just as much as everyone else. Somehow, I used logic and didn’t sit in behind the media. I mean, on our side there were people who had arrived at like 7AM and weren’t against the barracade but still got views of the stars. It’s common sense, to be honest.
All I’m saying is that Disney could have done a much better job with their set-up. If you’re going to allow the public in, as they do, which is greatly appreciated if I didn’t make that clear enough earlier, then do it right. This is Disney after all. The park was still decorated wonderfully, it was still very magical, however, there were some serious flaws. And where did those 7AM arrivals get to stand on the non-media side? What really irks me right now is people saying that it’s “common sense” or we should have “known better.” There was no way for us to “know” and I arrived well before 7AM and when I checked the area that was non-media up towards the front of the red carpet there were no spots. A few of us even tried to ask a lady if we could stand there because she had extra room – not holding it for anyone – and she said no. So, really, I think it depended a lot upon who you asked, who you met, who was nice, etc. Disney should have told us, should have labeled it, and, frankly, should not have done it in the first place. Granted, the talent can’t get to everyone but that doesn’t mean Disney has to limit them even further. And while I preferred to stand next to the red carpet rather than see the premiere early I have nothing against those of you that did that and I find it VERY admirable that you would donate your money to the cause. All I’m saying is that while it was still one of the most memorable nights it could have been handled much more effectively and I’m tired of people blaming us because we’re upset with Disney. I’m glad y’all got a great spot but there was no way for us to know, we’re just ranting a little. And we definitely got there just as early as people on the “good” side.
Wow! I must say I’m very shocked to read some of these. I was there with my 8yr old daughter and we came to the premiere from Seattle, WA. This was my first premiere but we go to Disneyland 2 times a year. (We love Disney). We were in line at 4:30am and seeing the amount of people there already I was a little concerned but just going to go with it. When the gates opened your right that nothing was set up how they were saying it was going to be. My daughter and I ran down main street and yes it was full. We kept on going and ended up down by the Plaza Inn across the street. I knew my chances of getting JD autograph was slim but we were going to make the best of it!!! We had an amazing time!!! Everyone was so wonderful, from all the people around us to the CM , everything. Me 8yr old daughter had the time of her life and is praying for a POTC4 so we can go to that premiere. Yes we were there 16plus hours but more amazing my 8yr old was there sitting on the red carpet for 16 hour with 2 breaks for the bathroom and food, then we came right back. All the celbetries were so great and we got lots of autographs and picturs. At 8:30pm Johnny’s people came down the carpet saying photos only. Yes we were sad but none the less we got to see that “beautiful” man. He looked right at us , my daughter who was having an out of body moment, he smiled at her read her banner and smiled and nodded to her! My heart melted and that made our whole trip. To all of you bashing Disney shame on you! What other place would let you have this amazing experience,you chose to sit where you did, point the finger to you not JD, Disney or anyone else. “Johnny we love you and what a class act you arrrrrr”. Can’t wait to see the movie tomorrow night!!!!
I totally agree with misdisney. I don’t think that Disney expected the huge crowd. Last year, we got there a couple of hours before the park closed and got a great viewing spot. In addition, the stars were given more time to walk the red carpet. Disney Guest Relations are not part of the Disney security and they are not trained for crowd control. We were in an area where the ‘stupid’ fans in the back of the crowd kept surging forward (as they do in mass hysteria situations) practically crushing those in the front. Especially the small children. Disney did not HAVE to have the premiere at Disneyland, nor to entertain the crowd from 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. We met some of the entertainers (pirates on stilts and singers) after the red carpet event was over. They were totally exhausted but were excited to entertain the crowd. I think Johnny Depp gets a bad wrap for rushing down the red carpet. That was NOT his idea but, by the time he was to walk down the carpet the crowd was becoming out of control (at least at our end). I think because of timing and crowd concerns Disney security made the decision to rush him along. He absolutely did not do that last year. In addition, it was Johnny NOT Orlando or any of the other main stars who came in the day before for the Make a Wish event AND it was Johnny who made it more of a success. So it’s unfair to him to make judgments without all the facts. He is one of our BEST and most versatile actors.
Disney really wasn’t prepared. 2000 people by only 5 IN THE MORNING?! There were 3 people on security and talking to them they were in absolute shock, they didn’t know how they were going to handle it. They called more people in, but honestly complaining will do no good and I don’t think Disney has fault in this, just be happy you got to see Johnny.
Has anybody been to Disneyland during the holidays? They are capable of preparing for alot of people. They pack the park. I think they made some strange decisions for controlling this event. Why even have the bleachers? Many of the staff were extremely curt when politely asked for basic information, not normal for Disney. My sister went to the premiere and was also dissapointed with the treatment of paying guests. What is the point to mistreat the guests if they are just trying to find out the rules they are to play by. It is refreshing to hear the example of the positive experience, but I a afraid this was not the norm for the day. Disney is capable of better. Maybe some creativity could have been put into play that day. it just seemed like a lack of preperation. Disney did not have to host this, but I am sure they made a killing off of the guests that day.
OMG- that was DEFINATELY the BEST night of my life! I got great pict. of the celeberties. Even though Johnny couldn’t do autographs-which was SOOO disapointing, he came right up and look soo gorgous as usual! I really only got the back of Orlando’s head b/c right b4 i took it he looked away :( But it was soooooo fun! I can’t stop talking about it. I heard from a “Special sorce” that Johnny has signed for a POTC 4, Keira&Orlando-?? but it hasn’t been confirmed yet of cource. BUt if there is- I’M TOTALLY GOIN TO THE NEXT ONE!
Did any of you guys see or take a pict. with the guy that looked exactly like JOhnny Depp at the premeire? im sure one of u did bc he took sooo many pict. he’s actually JOhnny’s photo double! I sat by him & spent the WHOLE DAY talking with him and his family, hes so cool and easy to talk to! He even said i maybe could eb Keira’s photo double! as if but that would be awesome!
anyway i wish that disney wouldn’t have put the fence so far away from the carpet b/c then the celeb. didnt’ know if they could go past it b/c they couldn’t really reach over to good! Finally they started to go over it! BUt im not complaining b/c i had a great time- i got to hang out with new friends-including johnny’s double and got great pict. saw johnny & orlando up close and also got Jerry Bruckheimer’s autograoph0 it was a GREAT NIGHT!!!!!!!
I understand all of you are just venting because ur upset u didnt get the experience u hoped for but u have to think about it this way, the set up was as good as it cud get if they made it only one side but longer the people at the end wud just complain and NO if u were on the press side u obv didnt get there as early as those that were on the right cuz all those spots were snatched up early. And it shudve been obv wen u saw ur side had 2 metal barriers and the other didnt, that means its obv press do the math guys and Katie yeah i saw him he was soooooo cool!!!!! lol but ya people they cant please every1 and they did the best they cud so stop complpaining please its just sad!
Of course they CAN prepare for more, but they didn’t know they had too.
For the next premiere (because I am convinced there will be)…they will be more prepared.
This was my first premiere and i had a wonderful time. I got in line at disneyland at 2 in the morning and waited in my car with my mom for many hours. i thought the trip through a lot. I am from missouri and i saved up for months to be able to go. I went to disneyland to play around the 18th and got my tickets in advance. While me and my mom were waiting in the car my uncle went to get in line in front of disneyland. Some girls told him not to get onto the media side and we didnt. We got right up front and sat for hours and hours. I must admit to one person in particular who worked at disneyland was very rude. She wouldnt let us sit down for long periods of time. My mother has to be in a wheel chair and she was very rude to us all there. It was worth the wait though. I had drawn some pictures of Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp to give to them. When Orlando came up to me he stayed and talked to me for 2 minutes and he took my picture. Orlando was sooooo nice i love him to death. He touched my arm and told me that i was his number 1 fan. He is my idol. I would love to meet him again one day. He thanked me and told me how talented i was he showed his agent my picture and he told me that he would keep it safe. He waved and said good-bye(his agent was pushing him away)He is my true-love. Johnny depp came up a little while longer and he talked to me too. I was so suprised at how nice i was treated. Johnny depp touched my arm and thanked me for the picture. He also told me that i was a talented girl and he hoped to see me again one day. He said that i was a true fan. He also waved and said good-bye. It was a dream come true. I think that they are the nicest actors in the world. They didnt even think to talk to the media. They knew that they wouldnt be where they are without the fans. If you guys truly are fans then i would start reading up are johnny and orlando. They care sooo much about their fans you guys have no idea. I got my autographs and i wouldnt dare sell my memories.
Megan it sounds that u had a great night!- i only wished Johnny and Orlando could have had more time where we b/c he couldn’t sign anything, just walk up to us and take pictures. Im not complaining though, it was awesome- I just saw the POTC 3 last night i really think they’ll probably add more because they left the ending open for more movies. I also thought about making a poster with Johnny and Orlando on it (or something like that) but it turned out like crap so i definately didn’t brign it! LOL
I was just wondering if anyone was standing in front of the plaza inn restaurant and was taking photos of the celebs…like the time when stacy kiebler was around…my bf didnt take a photo of us while walking on the red carpet…he just filmed it jack*** hahaha thanks!!!
I just want to thank anyone who gave out info about the premier b/c with out the info that i got from here i wouldn’t have been able to go! I just hope everyone keeps blogging and maybe (hopefully) we’ll get to go to the next POTC movie
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