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T-shirt Spotting

One of my little hobbies at Walt Disney World is to find the latest T-shirt designs they’re hoping the public will buy. Today there is a wider selection than ever before even to the point where you can customize your own tee right at Downtow Disney.

Here are a few that stood out to me this Sunday at Downtown Disney:


I like this design a lot. I had a cheesy non-Disney shirt with that saying on it in high school. Mi Casa Es Su Casa. Thanks Mickey!


I’m continually astounded by the drug culture influenced designs they find for Tinker Bell. This isn’t one of the worst, in fact, it’s part of a new line of Tees that are inspirational in nature. But on the other hand this would fit in well in the 70s too.


This is a design from street artist Bloc28. Previously there had been a line of baseball caps from Bloc28, but I never saw those for sale at the parks. There’s a little Steamboat Willy going on (although it should be all black and white). Frankly, I’m amazed that they’re selling this design since it appears to show Mickey Mouse being violently torn in two by a sea creature of some sort. That’s about as off-model as I’ve ever seen.

Two more Bloc28 designs below the cut:

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