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Disneyland’s Ragtime Pianist: Michael Pollock

For many years the words “Ragtime at Disneyland” were synonymous with Rod Miller. But before Rod there were other pianists and after Rod there is a new group of talented performers. One of those performers is Michael Pollock. He’s developing his own following and is known for his humor.

If you can’t make it to Main St. USA in Disneyland where Michael Pollock, aka “Ragtime Michael,” is a featured piano soloist you can purchase his new album titled “Ragtime Michael: Tickles the Ivories“. It was created to help guests remember their visit to the original Magic Kingdom and the experience of hearing Michael play in person, but it’s a wonderful collection of Ragtime music (including a few Disneyland songs) either way.

The tracks are carefully selected, most-requested songs, and each is guaranteed to make you smile. Kids like the “rinky-tink” energy, and adults will further appreciate the musical accuracy at warp speed, and infectious grooves on the easier going tunes. The selections will amaze you with how detailed his riffs get and yet you still hear every note distinctly.

If you can’t get to Disneyland and hear this kind of expert ivory tickling live, get this CD and enjoy it anywhere you happen to be.

The track list and a short interview with Michael is below the cut:

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