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Pixar: Hot or Not?

Looking down the Road for Pixar we have The Incredibles coming this November then Cars next year. But can these two movies continue the string of success for Pixar with each film earning more than the previous release? CNNMoney looks at the issue with an… Read More »Pixar: Hot or Not?

On Animation

Mercurie is a writer and a self proclaimed pop culture buff with an interest in classic movies, television, music,fantasy, science fiction, role playing games, comic books, medieval history, British history, and so on. He posts an anonymous blog that I’ve been reading as of late.… Read More »On Animation

Are you there God, It’s me Walt.

Disney has picked up the rights to the Judy Blume library. I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to the Disney adaption of “Tale’s of a fourth grade nothing.” Here’s the IMDB link to Blume’s previous novels that were made into TV movies.… Read More »Are you there God, It’s me Walt.


This Independence Day, when our fellow countrymen and women are off half-way around the world fighting to restore human rights and dignity in multiple countries (Bosnia, Afganistan, Iraq, Sudan (soon?)), I feel more emotionally wrapped up in the status of our nation than I have… Read More »WWWD?