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Suisse Credit

One of my favorite attractions of all time is the Matterhorn. It’s only at Disneyland, it has two distinct tracks, your riding experience varies depending on the weight of the people in the car with you, you get a great view of the park as… Read More »Suisse Credit

An Animation Rennaissance

Ever since The Lion King broke box office records and won a plethora of awards, pundits have predicted the rebirth of America’s love with animation. Indeed where we had 1 major studio with an animation department (well 1.5 if you include Don Bluth Animation) we… Read More »An Animation Rennaissance

On Animation

Mercurie is a writer and a self proclaimed pop culture buff with an interest in classic movies, television, music,fantasy, science fiction, role playing games, comic books, medieval history, British history, and so on. He posts an anonymous blog that I’ve been reading as of late.… Read More »On Animation

If I were drawing up a list of the top Disney fan websites, I would be horribly remiss if I forgot to include Chris and Jen’s excellent This resource grew out of their love for Disney Characters, and especially the rarer characters that hang… Read More »

What’s the fox’s name again?

For some reason I’m never able to remember the names of the characters in Disney’s The Fox and The Hound. It could be because I’ve only seen it once or twice. Well, Kayla’s obviously seen it more often than me cause she’s written a sweet… Read More »What’s the fox’s name again?

Wistful Vacation Remembrances…

Another random trip report, of sorts. Robin, who is a wedding photographer by trade, posts her remembrances of her first trip to WDW in preparation for her upcoming trip to Disneyland. (Plus another visit to the Tiki Room)

The Last Star Wars Title?

Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. Yeah, I’m sure every blog in the universe will be posting about this. But hey. What’s a bandwagon without jumping on. I’d love to have your opinion on the title in the comments below. The new title was announced… Read More »The Last Star Wars Title?