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Hurricane Blogging II

Ed’s The Weather Blog has been doing yoeman’s duty in tracking the progress of Hurricane Charley and its aftermath. He also points to a couple other Hurricane Bloggers where he graciously includes this humble blog.

Hurricane Blogging

Here’s another well written blog by someone in Celebration, FL (do you have to pass a written test to live there?). Erica posts about her experience as Charley passed over head. Some pictures in their photo gallery too.

Celebration Round Up

More Stories from Celebration: Barb, of the excellently written Celebration Blog, posts about the worries of owning a property but being away from it at the time. Then follows up with a damage report on Celebration (including a few picks of damage to her property). Tom of posts a number of photos providing an… Read More »Celebration Round Up

Orlando Updates

The Orlando Sentinel is running a ‘weblog‘ of updates as Hurricane Charley bares down on Central Florida. Although the path is currently unpredictable, it looks to hit Orlando dead on. Winds are still above 140 MPH even after making landfall. Best wishes for an injury free and property damage free night for all.

Lindsay Lohan Blog: Part IV

I know what you’re thinking. Where can I see more pictures of that starlett Lindsay Lohan with her cell phone. Well, wait. I have found the site for you. I’m not sure if this qualifies as disturbing or not.

The Lindsay Lohan Blog

The Teen Choice Awards have proclaimed Lindsay Lohan to be hot stuff. The recently turned 18 year old garnered 4 awards, the most of anyone nominated. In other Lohan News (is there anything else worth talking about?). It looks like freaky flashback time as she is rumored to be engaged ( sorry boys!) to Wilmer… Read More »The Lindsay Lohan Blog

More Goofy Sports at WDW

Orlando Sentinel reports that Kellen Winslow, an NFL Hall of Famer whose son has just entered the NFL, has been appointed the new Director of Planning and Development for Walt Disney World’s Sports Operations. Winslow’s charge will be to expand on Disney’s current holdings in the sports and recreation division, which includes the Wide World… Read More »More Goofy Sports at WDW