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Dave Does Disneyland

At this point, my thoughts are either (a) Margie’s arranged for a nice dinner, or maybe (b) Margie’s arranged for an entire evening away, staying at the Disneyland Hotel or something. I decide I’ll play it by ear, since any prospect sounds enjoyable. I realize I can leave my tie in the car, and do… Read More »Dave Does Disneyland

And Equity Contracts for All!

Many Cast Member Union Contracts at Walt Disney World expire this year affecting about half of the work force there. reports on ongoing negotiations between Actor’s Equity, which represents performers in the live productions at the florida resort, and park management. The article reveals a very interesting detail about the park. The pay for… Read More »And Equity Contracts for All!

Lindsay Lohan Blog V – The Store

You know you’ve made it big as a Disney star when they start to really merchandise you. If you have a teenybopper or preteen then I’m sure you already know about all this stuff. But if you don’t, then here’s a primer.

The Incredibles Blog

Make way for The Incredibles, the next animated feature from Pixar. The buzz is building to a frenzied pace and the pic isn’t even opening until November 5th. The Orlando Sentinel piles on with a story about the buzz and the films skew toward adult topics.

Moblog Charley

Textamerica is one of those sites where you can have your digital camera automatically send photos to and post a photoblog. You can also email your photos. Caine’s Textamerica Photoblog has been my pleasure to read for many months. He has spent the last few days taking pictures of Hurricane Charley’s aftermath and includes some… Read More »Moblog Charley

Hurricane Blogging III

More people are back from their Disney World vacation and posting storm stories. Melanie was staying at the Yacht Club and took some nice photos. Kat at My Single Mom Life is organizing a response from the Florida Blogosphere. She has teamed up with Strengthen the Good, a group aimed at supporting micro charities around… Read More »Hurricane Blogging III