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More Gmail to give away!!!

I’ve got 4 more Gmail Invites to give away. Post your favorite Disney Animated Film and explain why in the comments below and I’ll send out Gmail invites to the best. (Best being purely subjective with me as the final and sole judge, of course.) Thanks to everyone who played last time. I had a… Read More »More Gmail to give away!!!

Disney Concert Hall Organ Debuts

The Walt Disney Concert Hall, Lillian Disney’s incredible gift to Los Angeles, has just debut its concert pipe organ. Chris was there and reports good things. LA Splash has the incredible facts behind this instrument. Rosales, one of the organ designers (along with Frank Gehry) has some amazing photos of the pipe organ.

Slings and Arrows

Newsweek has an article about the future of Miramax, The Weinstein Bros, and Disney. To many this is a battle of wills and egos between two of the movie industries most powerful people, Eisner and Harvey Weinstein. As is the case in battles there are often casualties, and in this case its the people who… Read More »Slings and Arrows

Disney 2004 Legends has some excellent coverage of the 2004 Disney Legend Ceremony including video of all the acceptance speeches. This is the Disney Hall of Fame, it’s a shame the area is not open to the general public except during the Christmas Craft Faire that occurs one weekend a year.

Haunted Mansion Holiday Event

Cindy at reports on the 2004 Haunted Mansion Holiday event at Disneyland. While the Nightmare Before Christmas overlay of the haunted mansion is now open for the general public, it has become tradition to kick off the season with a special ticketed event full of entertainment and with the chance to buy some exclusive… Read More »Haunted Mansion Holiday Event

Boston Legal, the funniest show on TV

I watched Boston Legal on ABC last night and I must say that it was some of the funniest TV I’ve seen in a while. James Spader and Bill ‘WFS‘ Shatner are playing two of the best TV lawyers I’ve seen since Ally McBeal. I was never a big fan of ‘The Practice’, but this… Read More »Boston Legal, the funniest show on TV

Just Ducky, Donald

If you’re a fan of Donald Duck, or Disney animation period, you might want to find your way to Eugene Oregon this month for a celebration of the foul mouth fowl. The University of Oregon is the only college with a Disney character as their mascot: A duck emblem was in use by 1933, and… Read More »Just Ducky, Donald