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Disney Employees Protest bad contract offer

Hundreds of unionized Walt Disney World workers gathered Monday night to protest stalled contract negotiations with the company. “We’re here to embarrass the company,” said Joe Condo, president of the Service Trades Council. The employee’s union is turning up the heat on Disney. This looks like it could get ugly if both sides don’t come… Read More »Disney Employees Protest bad contract offer

A personal note

As I’ve stated previously, I am in the process of moving to Orlando, FL. This move happens this week, so I may be a bit spotty in my posting. I am looking forward to this new phase in my life. Hurricane Dodging, Tourist Avoiding, and Humidity induced showers. But I’ve spent three *long* years in… Read More »A personal note

J.K. Rowling, the anti-Disney?

Perry at Samizdata ponders about the constitution of children and why they’re often treated with kid gloves by Disney while J.K. Rowling appears happy to kill one off everynow and then. To this I say Rubbish. More Disney films feature the loss of one or both parents then I care to count. If the parent… Read More »J.K. Rowling, the anti-Disney?

Florida High Speed Rail Back on Track

Despite its foe’s best efforts to derail the project, Florida voters appear likely to approve construction of the light rail project once again. The first leg will connect Tampa and Orlando with a stop at the Walt Disney World Resort and the Orlando International Airport. The second leg will connect central Florida with southern Florida.… Read More »Florida High Speed Rail Back on Track

Peter Pan Copyright Case

Quiz time. Is Peter Pan public domain or not? That will be the question for the courts as Disney stands accused of copyright infringment and denying funds to the Barrie Childrens Hospital Charity. I think it’s a little two faced for Disney to fight so hard in congress to keep Mickey Mouse out of the… Read More »Peter Pan Copyright Case