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Visa Waiver Program to go bye-bye? English Tourism Busin

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There is a rumor going around that the US State Department will soon do away with the US Visa Waiver program. The Across the Pondblog notes that if the Visa Waiver Program goes bye-bye we can count pretty much all British Tourism Business to go away with it. That will make for shorter lines at… Read More »Visa Waiver Program to go bye-bye? English Tourism Busin

Roger Rabbit, the missing scenes

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Roger Rabbit was supposed to usher in a new era in animation for the Walt Disney Company, but the partnership between Amblin and Disney never matured. Jim Hill looks at some of the deleted scenes from Who Framed Roger Rabbit that might have lent the film the adult feeling Speilberg and company were looking for… Read More »Roger Rabbit, the missing scenes

Meg Crofton, WDW Presidential Profile

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The Orlando Sentinel has published the results of their research of and interview Meg Crofton, Walt Disney World’s new president. It’s a generally positive review that fails to answer the number one question, will her new position have teeth or will it be a rubber stamp on the way to implementing Jay Rasulo’s vision. (Link)

More on the Biometric Finger Print Scanning Controversy

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This issue of biometric scanning at the Walt Disney World parks has been frothing, as Greenspan would say, in the news for months now. The current change from scanning two fingers to one has increased interest in the subject again. So I think it’s important to clarify what Disney is actually doing. At least as… Read More »More on the Biometric Finger Print Scanning Controversy

Disneyworld revises Biometric Finger Scanning Tech

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A fair amount of controversy has been stirred by Disney’s policy of biometric scanning their customers fingers as part of the theme park admission process. As detailed in these earlier posts, Disney was not actually scanning fingerprints, but rather was noting a series of measurements of distances between points on two fingers and then saving… Read More »Disneyworld revises Biometric Finger Scanning Tech

John Hench School of Animation to open at USC

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The School of Cinema-Television at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles has announced the establishment of the John C. Hench Division of Animation & Digital Arts. This good news was made possible via a $5 million endowment gift from the estate of the late Disney animation artist Hench. John Hench died in 2004… Read More »John Hench School of Animation to open at USC

Invincible. The field of dreams

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A detailed article about how Penn’s Franklin Field was transformed into the now extinct Veterans’ Stadium for Disney’s inspirational sports movie Invincible. Film crews worked carefully to paint over field hockey and lacrosse lines with a shade of green that matched the rest of the turf. Padding was placed on the walls to mirror the… Read More »Invincible. The field of dreams

Hurricane Charley, Revisited

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Since Hurricane Tropical Storm Tropical Depression Ernesto turned out to be such a wimp (and boy am I happy about that) Hurty Elbow decided to post a trip report and let us relive his 2004 vacation when Hurricane Charley came a knocking. As you can see by the photos, mostly trees were harmed in the… Read More »Hurricane Charley, Revisited