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John Frost

Disney Toy Fires House

This reminds me of the crystal pendants that people had hanging in their cars in the 70s and 80s until it was found that the suns rays were burning holes in the upholstery. Something similar, but a lot more expensive, has occured with a Disney Snow Globe set on a windowsil.

Eisner decides now is the time to make money

Michael Eisner wants to leave the Disney Company on sound financial footing. “It’s in my interest that when I leave, the company is in good enough shape that it will take a decade to screw it up,” Eisner said. Of course, that is exactly what most Disney fans think Eisner’s been doing the past decade… Read More »Eisner decides now is the time to make money

Disneyland Sued for Wrongful Death

The parents of the man killed on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad are suing the park for wrongful death. Additional lawsuits were filed Tuesday on behalf of a friend of Torres and five members of a family who allege they also were injured in the accident. Now, it is in the nature of a thrill ride… Read More »Disneyland Sued for Wrongful Death

Disney World Union Protests in NYC???

Union officials leafleted the opening of Disney’s NYC ‘World of Disney’ store yesterday. “We knew we had to do something to get the company’s attention,” said Juleeann Jerkovich, secretary-treasurer of the United Food & Commercial Workers International Union Local 1625, which is one of six unions that make up the Service Trades Council Union. “It’s… Read More »Disney World Union Protests in NYC???

More Gmail to give away!!!

I’ve got 4 more Gmail Invites to give away. Post your favorite Disney Animated Film and explain why in the comments below and I’ll send out Gmail invites to the best. (Best being purely subjective with me as the final and sole judge, of course.) Thanks to everyone who played last time. I had a… Read More »More Gmail to give away!!!

Disney Concert Hall Organ Debuts

The Walt Disney Concert Hall, Lillian Disney’s incredible gift to Los Angeles, has just debut its concert pipe organ. Chris was there and reports good things. LA Splash has the incredible facts behind this instrument. Rosales, one of the organ designers (along with Frank Gehry) has some amazing photos of the pipe organ.

Slings and Arrows

Newsweek has an article about the future of Miramax, The Weinstein Bros, and Disney. To many this is a battle of wills and egos between two of the movie industries most powerful people, Eisner and Harvey Weinstein. As is the case in battles there are often casualties, and in this case its the people who… Read More »Slings and Arrows

Disney 2004 Legends has some excellent coverage of the 2004 Disney Legend Ceremony including video of all the acceptance speeches. This is the Disney Hall of Fame, it’s a shame the area is not open to the general public except during the Christmas Craft Faire that occurs one weekend a year.