Mickey Shorts Theater opened today at Disney’s Hollywood Studios with the one-of-a-kind animated short featuring Mickey and Minnie, “Vacation Fun.” The attraction makes a nice companion to the bigger Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway ride as both feature the new style animated Mickey Cartoons.
The new animated short “Vacation Fun” is exclusive to Disney’s Hollywood Studios and includes new animation as well as clips from favorite Mickey Mouse cartoon shorts including Panda-monium, Couples Sweaters, Potatoland, Croissant de Triomphe, Entombed, Dumb Luck, Al Rojo Vivo, Yodelburg and Outback at Ya!
This is a nice addition to this area of the park and brings in a little extra capacity in what is sure to be a busy spring and summer at Disney’s Hollywood Studios.
Imagineer Heather Fleming shares the story behind the ride in this video:
The refreshed design of the theater, inside and out, are the the colors of Mickey’s shorts — red and yellow. It’s a nice visual double-entendre. As we know, Imagineering has never been able to resist a good pun.
The fun starts in the queue area where digital posters rotate through posters for the Mickey Mouse cartoon shorts that are included as part of the longer short that features new animation just for this attraction.
The theater itself feels very glamorous and the Mickey Mouse themed theater seats are terrific. I want to take some home with me.
After the show there are four life-sized versions of beloved animated “Mickey Mouse” shorts, where they can pose for photos with family and friends.
Here’s our tour of the new spaces:
Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway may get the headlines, but fans of Mickey Mouse won’t want to skip the movie.
And because I’m a dork…