Even though Apple founder Steve Jobs sits on the Disney board of directors, that won’t stop the company from shacking up with Google’s Android platform. According to Venturebeat, Disney mobile has announced that three apps will be available to run on the new tablet operating system codenamed Honeycomb. Bart Decrem at Disney Mobile announced the Jelly Car game, a Radio Disney music app, and Tap Tap Revenge 4 will be the first apps released.
Decrem said that Disney waited for Google to make much-needed changes for Android, including a new Android Market that supports in-app purchases, or the ability for users to buy a virtual good or premium content from within an application, while the app is running. That is the entire business model for Tap Tap Revenge, which has seen more than 25 million downloads of songs for use in the game, where you tap on the screen to the beat of a song.
Watch this video interview with Decrem, who was showing off the new apps at Google’s Honeycomb event yesterday.
My birthday’s in September and I think this is what I want.
Disney to release 3 apps for new Google Android Tablet OS – http://ht.ly/3Px7u – Should Steve Jobs be worried?
Disney to release 3 apps for new Google Android Tablet OS – http://ht.ly/3Px7u – Should Steve Jobs be worried?
RT @TheDisneyBlog: Disney to release 3 apps for new Google Android Tablet OS – http://ht.ly/3Px7u – Should Steve Jobs be worried?
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