Over at 2719 Hyperion Blog they state that the reports of the death of the Walt Disney Treasures DVD series may be exaggerated. If true that would make me very happy. They also list a few suggestions for the next couple rounds of DVDs to be released.
Unlikely to ever be realized, but my own personal fanboy wish would be a Treasures set devoted to EPCOT Center. Starting with the original EPCOT film that appeared on the Treasures Tomorrowland
title, the set could also include the various souvenir videos, and also
many of the now long gone attraction films. It would be great to be
able to see items again such as the Earth Station film, Symbiosis, The Water EngineEnergy: You Make the World Go Round.
Other great pieces of obscure EPCOT: the Choose Your Ending sequences
from Horizons; the original Seas introductory film, along with two
animated vignettes also from the Living Seas–The Animated Atlas of the World and Suited for the Sea; and the animated educational short Harold and His Amazing Green Plants,
that featured characters from Kitchen Kaberet. Highlights from the
numerous EPCOT Educational Media films, and clips from The Disney
Channel’s EPCOT Magazine program would also be great inclusions.
from World of Motion, and the various original Energy films, including
some type of recreation of the now famous Emil Radok designed
Forget the Treasures DVD. Get that out now so we have it in time for the 25th Anniversary this fall. Oh Boy!