The Disney World Moms Panel is going into its fifth year of providing travel advice and has now expanded to include Disney Cruise Line, Disneyland, and RunDisney (among other topics). The next panel is even looking to add someone with a general sports-cation background and a planner with a more global perspective.
That’s right, the application process opens again in September. Disney reportedly receives well over 10,000 applications each year for just a handful of positions. If you’re going to apply it’s important that you make sure your application is remarkable in some way.
Disney doesn’t release the criteria used for evaluation, but you can look at existing and prior Mom’s panel members and see what they have in common. They’re almost all what you would call ‘out going personalities’, not afraid to speak up and offer advice, and many are already leaders of some sort in their communities (business leaders, social group leaders, etc). The Moms Panel is not gender-specific, so Dads you can apply too.
I’ve developed some amazing friendships via my opportunities to meet with panel members. To the one, they’ve all been super helpful and super nice. You have to be when you’re dispensing free advice to Disney guests.
Will you apply to be on next year’s panel? If so, what about you sets you apart from the rest? What will you tell Disney about yourself that makes you the perfect candidate? Let us know in the comments.