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episode VII

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Box Office Predictions Begin

Just as John Ratzenberger is Pixar’s good luck charm, so to is Greg Grunberg to J.J. Abrams’ productions. Turns out the Grunberg is in the Abrams directed “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.” Yeah, that’s pretty sweet. It’s not just a cameo either, but Grunberg is… Read More »Star Wars: The Force Awakens Box Office Predictions Begin

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Teaser Trailer as Disney’s TRON?


What happens if you reduce the Star Wars: The Force Awakens teaser trailer to its basic forms and highlight them as beams of neon? You get a trailer that feels like it could be set in the world of Disney’s TRON:

Okay, that’s not quite exactly TRON. But I do like it.

This trailer was made by UK artist “Neonardo” who designs animation as if it was done entirely in neon. The effect is simple and fun drawing out the essence of what makes the trailer work.

Neonardo has also created an incredible animated neon take on the Marvel Ant-Man poster. Check it out below:
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Star Wars: The Force Awakens – Character Trading Cards

Star Wars fans rejoice! Character names for The Force Awakens have been revealed! While these reveals are kept mainly to those characters in the recent trailer, it is still very exciting. Probably the coolest thing about this reveal is how they did it. Using Topp’s… Read More »Star Wars: The Force Awakens – Character Trading Cards

Review: Star Wars – The Force Awakens Teaser Trailer


Now that we’ve had a few moments to digest the first trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens and get ‘the feels’ out of the way, it’s time for a deeper look at what we see in our first glimpse of the Star Wars universe as brought to you by J.J. Abrams and team. If there’s one thing this trailer does, is it alleviates your fears. No, J.J. Abrams isn’t going to cram a million lens flares into every frame like he did with the Star Trek series. In fact, it is very much in keeping with the cinematography of the original trilogy.

In fact, this trailer appears designed to make you forget about the second trilogy (the prequels) entirely. I’d say it just about succeeds. It has the scope and adventure of the original trilogy, it evokes the dirty worn down tech we were used to, and it transports you to an otherworldly and exotic place. By the time we get to the new John Williams score, we’re ready to believe that this is going to be an awesome film.


The narrator appears to be Andy Serkis. While we know he’s been cast, we don’t know quite what character he’s playing in the film, but it might be one of the force wielding bad guys. We see the new look Storm Troopers, very close to the classic look, but just different enough to be amazing and menacing.Read More »Review: Star Wars – The Force Awakens Teaser Trailer