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Oh Amanda

30. sahm. wish i was lost. love minnie & mickey.

Lost 5.6: 316

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Oh my dear Losties! The first five episodes of this season have been great. They’ve tied up some theories we’ve all wondered about. They’ve answered some questions. They’ve sent us on some trajectories that made us actually (ok, possibly) see where this show is headed. But last night. OH, LAST NIGHT! I felt like last night was actually the season premiere. Last night we see our Losties get BACK ON THE ISLAND.

In fact, we begin with JACK’S EYE. (I can tell there will be lots of ALL CAPS today. Just bear with me. I could barely sleep last night I was so excited—or was that because my 4 month old woke up 3 times? Anywhoo.) Jack wakes up in the jungle. In a suit. And oh! I just knew we were seeing a flashback to Season 1. I had even heard rumors that the first scene of Season 1 was actually a flashback/forward to present day. Alas, I was wrong. (However, that would have been great!)

Jack hears Hurley calling for help. He runs into the jungle and finds Hurley and a guitar case drowning in a lagoon. After they realize they can stand, they see Kate unconscious on the edge of the water. They wake her up (how un-doctor-ly did that seem?) and she says, “Are we…?” Jack’s response, “Yeah…we’re back.”

Then the black screen o’lost and the text: FOURTY SIX HOURS EARLIER

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Lost 5.5: This Place Is Death

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Can I just say how delicious last night’s episode was?! I know there’s a little talk about Lost’s ratings being down–but I couldn’t love the show more! We’ve had four seasons of character driven craziness. I have fallen in love with all of our Losties (and even our baddies) and if Lindelof and Cuse bring us the freakiest sci-fi they can muster, I’ll still love it! If we had seen this time travel in season 1, the show would have never made it. But bringing it to us this late in the game is making sci-fi fans out of regular folk.

Anyway, I could crush on them all day. Let’s get to the episode! This one was remarkably straightforward as far as time goes, so let’s go by location, ok?

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Lost 5.4: The Little Prince

That is the last time I read spoilers! There were several significantly omgyouhavegottoebekiddingme scenes and I knew every one of them before they happened. Hmph. That’s what I get for reading TV Guide. Not that it made last night’s episode any less amazing…just less heart palpitations for me.

So we began with another peek into the Oceanic Six’s time on Penny’s boat, The Searcher. Kate is holding a sleeping Aaron and having a conversation with Jack. She decides she wants to keep Aaron because she can’t bear to lose anyone else. (She mentions SAWYER! And Jack immediately picks up on this…) Jack tells her that tomorrow he’s going to push everyone to lie when they get back. He creepily says, “I’m going to turn to you first. Are you with me?” And Kate replies (while dashing all my Sawyer reunion hopes aside), “I’ve always been with you.”

Now for the rest of the episode we’re jumping from The Island (which to our Losites feels just days after their friends went off in the helicopter) to the “real world” which has been three years for our Oceanic Six.

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Lost 5.3: JUGHEAD

I have absolutely no idea what happened on Lost last night. But I loved every minute! Time travel is one of my favorite devices and last night’s episode was chock-full of it. I’m pretty sure this is how the rest of this season will be. A confusing mass of skipping ahead and back and crossing over and under the time of the last four seasons! (Bad 1955 anyone?) So, let’s get right to it. I’m sure this recap will make no sense whatsoever but I’ll do the best I can.



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Lost: Season 5 Premiere

In recapping a show like Lost one must have a photographic memory, the ability to keep several story lines straight at once and pick up on small nuances and minor clues. I have none of these special skills. I do however have a Tivo. And this, my lostie friends is how we will be able to discuss Season 5’s premiere. I walked away from the show absolutely dumbfounded. I don’t know if I’m shocked, sad, excited or happy. I’m just dumbfounded. Too many things happened. In one way questions were answered. But at the same time, we’re still just barely scratching the surface of the unfathomable depths of the mysterious Lost. My husband just informed me that if I do a literal recap of the whole show, it will take you longer to read than if you just watched the episode. That may be true. So, I’ll try to be brief and hit the highlights. TRY is the keyword.

Enough talking, let’s get to the recapping, ok? I think it would be easiest to go in actual order of events. But since that is impossible, we’ll just stumble around till we hit it all, ok?

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The Norwegians (Pushing Daisies 2.10)

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Tonight’s episode of Pushing Daisies should have been called, “CSI: Norwegia”. Oh, Pie Lovers, I laughed till I cried. Well, maybe not cried. But I thought about crying every time I laughed because it made me sad that this amazing show is being canceled! And even worse, my tivo doesn’t show any upcoming episodes. Is it possible they won’t let us see the last 3 episodes? Say it isn’t so!!

We begin with Young Ned and his orthodontically challenged friend, Eugene playing war in the woods. They find a dead man and this begins Ned’s first experience with interviewing the dead. His timing isn’t too great because when he’s discovered near the unfortunate dead hunter, he’s accused of foul-play and sent to a Juvenile Detention-jail-place. He learns he has to take responsibility for his actions….

(OK, I know this show is completely fantasty and far-fetched. But this was just weird. Ned in jail? No trial? No parents? When does he get out? Weird.)

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The Legend of Merle McQuoddy (Pushing Daisies 2.9)

Yoo-hoo! Pushing Daisies fans! Did you love last night’s episode? It was the first one I didn’t take notes on! I was so enthralled I couldn’t stop long enough to write anything down. (Or maybe I was just tired.) However, each week I watch makes me more sad knowing it’s coming to a close…DID YOU HEAR THAT ABC?! I ALREADY MISS PUSHING DAISIES!!!

OK, now, back to our show…I guess splitting up our four main characters really worked last week, because they did it again this week. Olive and Emerson were on the case while Ned and Chuck worked on something…uhm, personal.

Let’s start with the murder…I’ll try to do it quickly so we can get to the real story: Charles Charles (say it with me: “What is wrong with that man?!”). But I’m jumping ahead. Now where was I? Oh yes, the murder…

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Comfort Food (Pushing Daisies 2.8)

After learning that Pushing Daisies is canceled, I think we were all in need of a little comfort food. And this episode delivered. It might have been my favorite one this season. I think it was the hats. Olive and Ned in matching hats just takes the…uhm…cake.

But I’m jumping ahead of myself. Let’s start with our theme intro—Young Ned at boarding school. He is in need of some comfort food and whips up a pie for himself. But just then, his dentally-challenged friend Eugene enters and needs some pie, too. And pretty soon all the boys in the school are partying with Ned and his pies. The party ends too soon when foreboding-authority-figure enters the kitchen and marches Ned away. Lesson learned? “Even a forkful of immediate gratification can lead to a world of grave consequences.”

Speaking of graves, Ned and Chuck are leaning over Charles Charles’ casket ready to open it up. As is typical, they lovingly argue about who gets the first 30 seconds of their one minute. And soon Ned touches Mr. Charles.

He asks the important question about Dwight Dixon (uh, is he bad?), then gives Chuck some alone time (like 30 seconds) with her dear old Dad.

The next time we see our lovebirds, Ned is asleep in bed holding Chuck via some plastic wrap. Chuck is fitful and gets up…so we can begin our TWO AWESOME STORYLINES!

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