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Downtown Disney Dance Flash Mob Marriage Proposal Viral Video

Here’s our viral video of the day, perhaps the year. Jamin proposes to his girlfriend of six years, Valerie in a very special way – a dance flash mob at Downtown Disney at the Disneyland Resort.

See another angle of the dance flash mob here.

Jamin had to get permission from Disney security to hold it at Downtown Disney. Originally, they wanted to do it closer to the park entrance, but were moved to this location. It took many nights of secret rehearsals at a dance Company Jamin performs with to pull this off, but judging by the look in Val’s face, I would say it was worth it.

Good thing she said yes. Congratulations and good luck to the happy couple.

Previously: Fake flash mob engagement at Disneyland.

20 thoughts on “Downtown Disney Dance Flash Mob Marriage Proposal Viral Video”

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  12. That was by far the best proposal I’ve ever seen. That was totally cute. I teared up both times I watched it.

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  14. Jamin, you’ve got it goin’ on! Very creative and romantic, best I’ve ever seen– for sure. Congratulations to both of you. Stay together and make dancin’ babies. :)

  15. Of course the ladies love it…this guy just made every other male look like he doesn’t care enough…he’s betrayed the gender!

    jk…of course its sweet & darling…

  16. BEST PROPOSAL EVER!!!!!!! This sets such a high standard for any guy that will ever want to propose to me.

    Oh, and congrats to the happy couple.

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