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Did Disney Save Broadway

Since Beauty and the Beast debuted on Broadway there has been a lot of debate about what exactly Disney is bringing to the Theatre. Your opinion is your own on the matter, but there can be no doubt that Disney has been successful in bringing new fans to the great white way.

A story in The Awl posits that it’s not Disney’s story telling that’s making the difference here, but rather the hiring of creative talent, giving them a lot of money, and then telling them to go for it.

Keep in mind that one of the properties Disney Theatrical is considering right now is a staged version of Dumbo. Interesting.

Note: Normally I wouldn’t like to an article with fowl language on this blog, but it’s used sparingly and the rest of the article is really very important. So don’t click this link if you want to avoid anything non PG-13.

5 thoughts on “Did Disney Save Broadway”

  1. John, I read that too and I thought it was an interesting article, especially given the fact that it’s written for a non-Disney audience. Sounds like the guy does appreciate what Disney is doing. It was also a funny article–I definitely got a few laughs and I agree, the language wasn’t too bad.

    I like the new blog design too!

  2. At one time, I probably would have agreed that Disney saved broadway, and would definitely say it is still propping it up, but their formula seems less than perfect now. Lion King. Huge Hit. Beauty and the Beast, HIT (and honestly, I was sad to see it go, I would have gone to see it again now that my daughter is really old enough to appreciate it more than she did initially). Tarzan was a resounding dud. Mary Poppins seems to be holding on, but is certainly not a success like the first two, and The Little Mermaid was downright awful.

    Disney Theater is a great way (as the author pointed out) to introduce the next generation of theater goers to appreciate it, but another stinker or two like Tarzan and Mermaid, and people will be less likely to spend Broadway prices on something they are unsure of.

  3. I went to see a tour of Beauty and the Beast last month and Alan Menken’s bio in the program said that one of his current projects was a stage version of Newsies.

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