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Geppetto’s Toy Store now a Candy Store

The “Wishing Star” store in Fantasyland is more commonly known as Geppetto’s Toy Store or Puppet Store. That’s because that’s what was sold there. You know, like in the movie Pinocchio, where Geppetto owns a toy store.

Alas, over the years it has not been the most successful retail location in the park and this is not the first time they’ve changed the product mix. However it was one of the few remaining unique Disneyland stores where you could get something custom made to celebrate your visit from a visiting doll maker, and sometimes a Marie Osmond event.

As you can see by the attached photos the location is now a ‘Candy Shoppe’. It sells pretty much the same confections that can be found elsewhere in the park. You may remember a time when the current Heraldry shop was a candy store and before that a Magic shop (where Steve Martin once worked). Still, it’s sad to see that bit of ‘story’ gone from the park.



(Thanks to Pam for the photos)

2 thoughts on “Geppetto’s Toy Store now a Candy Store”

  1. Pingback: Todd Perlmutter

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