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After the Mouse, Layoff Stories

After the Mouse is a web community of former Disney Cast Members. An entry posted today tells some of the heart wrenching stories that have come from the most recent rounds of layoffs.

“Weren’t surprised with Husband’s layoff, but to layoff both parents of a family seems cruel. IS cruel! I am confused and hurt as to why there was no filter to prevent such occurrences, especially when I have had solid performance reviews.”

It’s hard to read. But I think it’s important to see the personal stories.

3 thoughts on “After the Mouse, Layoff Stories”

  1. What does the recent layoffs mean for the Disney College Program? Will they still be selecting the same amount of college students for that or will they be selecting fewer students?

  2. They’ll continue to hire as usual as long as the parks are full. They have to keep those apartment complexes full or eat huge operating costs.

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