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And The Mole Is….

So it all comes down to this. Tonight, we finally find out who is The Mole, how he or she did it, and who wins.

As I figured, we got plenty of recap. We did find out that Bobby had bad enough leg cramps that he had to get medication after leaving the game. I guess that explains partially why he was so out of it while he was on the show.

But about 15 minutes in, they told us who the winner is. $420K goes to Mark! I was convinced he was The Mole. Yet I’d been rooting for him to win all along. That name was such a draw for me. I’m thrilled.

They took a break before telling us who The Mole is. But when we got back, we found out that Craig was sabotaging all the games. So my theory last week that he knew how to diffuse the bomb because he had been told was correct. He just found stuff way too easily. Still, until then I hadn’t given him any serious consideration. In fact, I was still surprised tonight.

What’s interestingly is they showed us a montage of Paul and Nicole during the season. And we found out that Paul was on to Craig from the beginning. Yet he lost to Nicole two weeks ago by four seconds. Ouch!

When they told us the story of Mark over the course of the season, we found out that he tied with the executed person not once but twice. He thought it was Victoria the week she was executed (I don’t feel so badly now) and then Kristen. He didn’t catch on to Craig until the very end. Like the final three. It’s amazing that he could beat people who were on to Craig before he was. Although I don’t think that many people ever seriously considered Craig.

They did tell us how Craig fooled everyone. Lots of times he just used his size, lack of speed, and dumb act to trick everyone into thinking he was trying when in reality he was sabotaging everything. And I was right. He was given the answers to the “Tick Tock Boom” puzzle from last week, which is the only way the players figured things out. That one really was too obvious.

As in past years, there were hidden clues to The Mole’s identity. In fact, there was one in every episode. I missed them all. I’m not going to run through them all. Of course, they were really subtle, like Craig bringing over a message left behind by The Mole in week one. And the clues that were only one frame during the opening don’t count no matter what they say. My favorite is the one where Mark’s arm was underlining an abbreviation for Craig on the wall behind him. He (and I) didn’t pick up on it. And they did tell us that Jon never called Craig’s name during any of the quizzes since obviously he wasn’t going to go home. I really should have been watching for that.

I am impressed. Even with the revelation that Mark wasn’t on to Craig until the end, everyone was very friendly, congratulating Mark and saying what a great job Craig did. And while Paul and Nicole didn’t actually hug, they at least acted like they were no longer enemies.

It’s been fun. I don’t know what the ratings have been, so who knows if we’ll get another season or not. But it was nice to see that the show was as fun as I remembered.


1 thought on “And The Mole Is….”

  1. I was so excited last night when Mark won!

    It was quite interesting that his victory is due partially to Clay’s honesty about who he was going after. If Clay had been lying when he told Mark he thought Nicole was The Mole, Mark probably would have been eliminated next.

    However, Mark believed him and, after witnessing Clay’s execution, he knew he had to focus on someone else.

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