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Lost your faith in LOST?

Last night I watched my DVR’d premier of ABC’s new show Daybreak. Was actually pretty good, very watchable, fast paced, and the groundhog day aspect of it is no more a leap than 50 people crashing on an island where no one could find them. The biggest problem with Daybreak last night was how many characters were introduced, I feel like I need a lineup sheet to keep track of them all and what they’re doing throughout the day.

The best part about Daybreak was that I didn’t miss not seeing LOST at all. Of course some of that may have to do with the less than steller 6-week mini-series that just passed us by. I’m not the only one who feels this way, I’m sure.

Over at JustTV blog Professor Jason Mittell examines what went wrong in his excellent post "Is My Faith Lost?".

One of LOST’s strengths thus far has been a mastery of final
acts, both of season and episode. Throughout season 2, fans complained
that many episodes were 40 minutes of boring set-up for a great final
3-minute sequence. I was always fine with that, as I recognized that
those set-ups were usually needed to deliver the final moments, and
they served to deepen character and plot arcs in often subtle ways. And
has delivered in the season finales both years, albeit in
different ways. Season 1 ended with some frustrating suspense, peering
down the hatch, but the capture of Walt was an immensely satisfying
twist. Season 2’s finale was simply perfect, answering tons of
questions about Desmond & the hatch, while opening a great number
of mysteries to keep us pondering all summer (cue Giant Foot).

Season three lacked alot of that suspense and mystery. The audience was in on most of the mysteries this time. Hopefully that will change in the second half of the season.

1 thought on “Lost your faith in LOST?”

  1. WHAT do you people want?!

    You gripe because there’s too much mystery and nothing’s being answered and then you gripe because we’re all in on too much of the plot. Either we’re going to know something or we’re not. You can’t have it both ways.

    Sheesh … I’m loosing my patience with folks like you because all it’s really saying is that you don’t know what you want … you just know what you don’t want and then you don’t know that until you’ve seen it.

    Why can’t you just sit back, relax and let them tell their story? Did you do this when your mom read to you before bed? Let the story be told by those that know what they’re telling and just let yourself get “lost” in the whole of it.

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