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Mixed Messages out of Shanghai

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The news from Shanghai on the future Disney theme park is a tad bit confusing. Last week the reports were that citizen relocation was underway to get ready for the constructrion; this week the Shanghai government claims that no relocations are happening and that the project isn’t even approved yet. Another paper from Signapore confirms the lack of final government approval and gives us an estimated cost for the new Disney resort – US$3.75 billion. Oi! That’s a hefty chunk of change.

Another juicy bit is that the whole resort area will be four times the size of Hong Kong Disneyland.  Immediately that makes me think of Disney’s Animal Kingdom. It’s twice the size of the Magic Kingdom in Orlando and would be a great base for a resort area. Don’t know what sort of similar parks the region has though.

As soon as I can dig up a clearer view of the picture over there, I’ll pass it along. Anybody from WDI care to share?