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Henson Movie News – Dark Crystal II

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Jim Henson Productions, having sold it’s valuable Muppet properties to Disney, is now free to pursue some of the projects they’ve been meaning to get to. This is good news for everybody.

At Comic-con, Lisa Henson, and other key players, gave a state of the company presentation that had everyone buzzing. Some of the highlights include:

  • A new line of children’s clothes called "Jim Henson Designs". The clothes feature cute, imaginative, and cool doodles made by Jim Henson as prints on t-shirts, baby clothes, jeans, and more.
  • An update on the Dark Crystal sequel – Power of the Dark Crystal. It’s in production now and is based off notes from Jim Henson’s original ideas for the sequel.
  • They also showed clips from a new latenight adult comedy show called "Jim Henson’s Puppet Improv".
  • And more including Labyrinth Sequel news and Fraggle Rock Movie news. has the full details. (Thanks Cinematical)

3 thoughts on “Henson Movie News – Dark Crystal II”

  1. Fantastic – though admittedly I was too scared as a child to sit through the whole of The Dark Crystal, I still loved it (the bits I watched that is.) I would love to see a sequel.
    My personal fav Henson show is still the Storyteller series – would love to see a reprise of that.

  2. If they make a Labyrinth part 2 I do hope somehow David Bowie, Jennifer Connelly and Toby Froud would have at least an appearance for it. I think that Trent Reznor from Nine Inch Nails would be a good goblin prince or king. :) I also hope that The Dark Crystal 2 isn’t crappy animation and it still puppetry.

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