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The Life of a Disney World AP

AP stands for Annual Passholder. Barb is one of the APs who loved visiting Walt Disney World so much, they moved here. She has taken up residence in Celebration and keeps track of her experiences on her Celebration Blog, which longtime readers know I’ve linked to before. Her post from yesterday, which Dennis bearing down on the state, is a future classic.

The training room in Epcot was small, but I was looking forward to
riding in the wide, open space of World Showcase. Alas, it was not to
be. As we perfected our zig zags and 360 degree turns, the weather
outside turned positively ugly. The sky went black, the wind whipped
into a frenzy, and the driving rain poured down in buckets.

From riding Segways at EPCOT, to EPCOT’s new Soarin’ ride, through to a picnic in the park at Celebration. Read and see how the Celebration resident truly lives.